Fourth Delay for Amazon's New World MMORPG & Caution About Expectations, Datamining Zones/Weapons

08/04/2021 – Some fairly quick but big news to blow through today. Unfortunately New World
has received yet another delay and this one will be until September 28th of this year. They’re
taking some time to focus more on bugfixing/polish which will be a good thing, but we’ll
have to see how things overall turn out. Also wanted to input a word of caution on the datamining
side of things.

Amazon New World Playlist –

Twitter Announcement about Delay –

New World: This is Aeternum Trailer –

Ultimate Weapon Guide (New World) –

Sign up for Closed Beta –




Join forces with scores of other players to form powerful companies of craftspeople, mercenaries, prospectors and architects.
Claim territories and leverage your dominion to consolidate power and compel loyalty.
Fight for survival against enemy raiders, brutal wilderness, and gathering evil.
Craft hundreds of items, from magical elixirs and deadly weapons to sprawling fortifications.

Special thanks to Patrons: Loth, E M, Stephen, slaier, decadentia84, xSheep873, Matrolen,

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joel plante
Jc Ultra
Diamond Hands
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Daniel Dubé
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Feldon T

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46 thoughts on “Fourth Delay for Amazon's New World MMORPG & Caution About Expectations, Datamining Zones/Weapons”

  1. Figured I'd get this out before any pain sets in but yeah hopefully things turn out well. We'll see how it goes, even though it would be great to see some new content and
    especially leveling methods as soon as possible, going to temper expectations just to be on the safe side. Either way as long as they're able to touch up current systems
    and tweak anything that needs tweaking, then that'll probably be the main thing. What do you think about the delay?

  2. To be honest, they should have planned well before they announce the actual release date.Even the game is good,developers need to respect all of the players and more open about their plan.this is the 4th time they've done this and i can't imagine some of the players might actually dissapointed alot and quit. Stop giving false hope! I hope they learn well from their lessons

  3. Crucible was same than 4 Month it was still dead I don't trust Amazon there more the talking alot why change the date the can easy just use more Devs the money is still there so…. a other Date do not change

  4. It seems logical but I feel like many people gonna smash them anyway and wont forgive another delay
    Noticed that many people see in that delay hope for new content but the true is that additional time is for fixes, reported bugs, all that feedback that was huge and still I really doubt 2 months is enough to change almost everything even if office will be new home for devs

  5. I just wish the whole gaming industry would stop this announce-and-delay culture. Take the time to polish and announce whenever it‘s actually ready.
    But I do understand that they need more time, beta showed so many things that they hopefully can even out in those weeks. I‘m not expecting new content at all, I think the list of bugs and stability problems is long, so if we get a smoother game with stable servers, I‘d be very happy. Beta was fun though even with all the hiccups.

    What‘s your thought on another beta/early access during those two months now?

  6. You could go in the next area during thebeta, it would kill you, but you would still get a name pop up(i wish i remembered but i was too ecstatic from looking around). It was a desert with few trees here and there. Ruins from ebonscale led you there.

  7. Had all my teeth extracted in one sitting when I was in my early 30's. It wasn't too bad, sore for a month since I don't do pain pills. I took advil. I hated having bad teeth but my entire family has them and none of us did drugs and didn't take care of our teeth.

    Get well!
    Do not smoke (Dry Sockets SUCK) and gargle with warm salt water.

  8. I understand why they did it, but I have cancelled my pre order and will not buy again until days from release. I am now pretty sure they will NOT release this year. I am also starting to think that it may be fully cancelled at some point ;(

  9. You are spot on with the one month extra before release it's absolutely nothing in development. That is like a sprint and a half if you considering release prepare. At best they can do is fix some bugs up and maybe just maybe do some server stability changes nothing major but even that requires testing..a lot. (if they have some brain they will do an open/closed beta again) Just keep in mind last time they did a 2 month delay it ended up being another extra one year 😛 This is a huge fail in delivery from a trillion dollar company. Promise something 4 times and delay 4 times. This ain't gonna improve trust and confidence in the company for sure.

  10. Watch them do another "beta" sometime in the beginning of September then the delay the game again to "adjust some things based of feedback from beta"… like seriously, the game will never release if they keep doing this.

  11. Better it to be delaye then unfinished, remember No mans sky when it came out? Fallout 76? Elder scrolls online? All shit games because they where unfinished at release.
    If delays means a better game, then it is for a better, not worse.

  12. Two more months, ain't gonna solve all the problems that the streamers say need fixed, they just need something to complain about so they feel important.

  13. I mean, it's sad that they delayed the release especially for us who are so hyped for playing the game, but I think this shows that they care about the game and don't want to release it unfinished which is good to know.


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