Found Them – A "Giant" Caught Behind InvisibleX Wood Knock's Surround me ON CAMERA –


23 thoughts on “Found Them – A "Giant" Caught Behind InvisibleX Wood Knock's Surround me ON CAMERA –”

  1. They know your intentions and can see you as light. That's one way they know and can see you from so far. They see all light spectrums and energy. So they see you as a body made of light walking around. They are very intelligent and know what you will do b4 you do it. They're not an animal so stop talking to them like a sweet puppy or a kid and talk to them with respect and as an equal. It will surprise you. Also ask permission to enter their home.

  2. Awesome video Marc how a X can get up on the mountain cliff is beyond me it's awesome to think that anything is possible. At the burnt forest after the bad fires you had up on the hills of Colorado reminds me of winter , but soon it'll be autumn and it'll grow back thick brush in the spring . To look for these creatures that are so hidden and out of view look under trees or in the trees in like nested areas of the trees. There's always one or two showing there faces lol. Awesome wood knocks . Stay safe Marc speak soon buddy stay strong and healthy 🙏❤️

  3. Why do the trees look so dismal? It reminds me of Germany back in the seventies and eighties until the govt. made massive efforts to change the emission laws. Now it's all looking healthy again.

  4. 2:48 the arch type tree pushed over on the center it looks like a black figure sitting on the ground just to the right of it.. it has a stick Infront of it's face and the bottom part that's touching the ground looks like a Trident.. right to the left of the dark one sitting is on the end of that structure he looks all white from the magic.. but laying right at the start of the tree.

  5. 26:00 dead center screen bottom left of the hole something creepy looking right at you, there is a bigger one just to the left of the hole's bottom left corner. I believe its a little one in the hole and a big one sitting outside the hole if you look close or take a pic of it with phone then zoom in you can see its arm, hand on rock pretty cool

  6. Do you understand that God sent the giants to aide us . The purpose of life is knowledge. The giants caused chaos and had sex with human woman and they were mostly wiped out. These are those that have been put here to do what God asked. They are protected. This knowledge is shared and can be learned by all of us but many people are ignorant to it. God has not given up on us. We are freaking ruining this planet.


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