Former Satanist Shares Shocking Secrets About the Catholic Church!

SHOCKING TESTIMONY of Ex Satanist Jonas Lukuntu Mpala Part 5


Prepare yourself for the hair-raising, bone-chilling account of Jonas Lukuntu Mpala, who once walked in the shadows as an agent of Satan. His testimony, fraught with peril and darkness, is a testament to the transformative power of redemption. Discover how the radiant, saving grace of Jesus Christ broke his infernal chains and rescued him from the gruesome jaws of hell.

Disclaimer: The testimonies shared on my channel are presented as they were received, and they reflect the personal experiences and perspectives of the individuals who have kindly shared their stories. I do not claim to verify or authenticate the events recounted in these testimonies. The content is intended to promote open dialogue and understanding, and I encourage viewers to approach these stories with an open mind. Thank you so much!

Music: Dreaming in 432Hz by Unicorn Heads

Music: Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse

#satanist #jesus #testimony


20 thoughts on “Former Satanist Shares Shocking Secrets About the Catholic Church!”

  1. The Catholic Church Was Founded By Christ (St. Matthew chapter 16, verse 19). The greatest exorcists that combat demonic possession, satanism, etc., come from the Catholic Church. Therefore either this individual whom you plan to interview is lying or you are (or maybe both of you are). I highly recommend to you the YT channel 'Armor of God:Spiritual Warfare.'

  2. @Holy Heartbeats, whatever Jonas Lukuntu is saying about the Catholic Church is true. I was a Roman Catholic member, the Lord Jesus Christ visited me several times in 2022 and revealed the truth about Roman Catholic Church to me. The LORD gave two options: (1) Get out of that church or (2) if you have the grace to die on your death bed with the ability to confess your sins, then confess all your sins including the catholic sins and confess them directly to Him, not through a a priest. I have this revelations shot on video and published on You Tube Channel known as "The Will of God Ministries" by Prophet Ian Ntaba. He revealed to me even more. May God bless you for sharing Jonas' testimony. I pray God will set free many catholics. Amen.

  3. I am currently a practicing catholic… my entire life I never questioned anything about my faith, even when videos like these csme up i'd immediately skip past them… until a few weeks ago a seed of doubt was planted in my heart by a woman of God who's preaching speaks to me.

    Since then I've been questioning everything… now I'm going down this rabbit hole and it's shaking up my entire life.

    Please keep me in your prayers fellow Christians, I too seek to find the TRUE Jesus and the Holy Spirit in this lifetime.

  4. Of course because Jesus wasn't even born in December thats the birthday of the sun god. Anyway the Vatican is pure evil they worship false idols and make themselves father when i read do not call anyone your father but him in heaven. How do i see this as a beginner in the word. Im sorry Jesus have mercy on us ❤

  5. Thank you for preaching your encounters etc … I am a Catholic – Simon Peter – the Rock that Jesus Christ built His Church upon and will remain so till the Lord Jesus Christ comes in Glory, Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤ Mother Mary pray for us sinners, Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰❤️💪🏼

  6. These are fascinating. I find some of the facts hard to get my head around, but a lot makes sense being raised catholic, and leaving it. I'm still looking for something, but deception is everywhere, so I pray everyone finds what they're after.

  7. Bible says dont pray to dead people. All have sinned including Mary
    She needed a Savior too. When the angel came to her and told her she said my God and Savior. Have no idols or bow down to them. Catholic church is full of statues. Bible says only One mediator between God the Father and man, that's Jesus. Mary was bless for being used by God but dont pray to her. She had 4 sons and several daughters and the Catholic church says she had none. Pope now blesses homosexual marriages. All thedesciples were married except for Paul. Priests getting kn trouble getting nuns knocked up, homosexuality, pedophilia. Jesus said you cant see or enter the kingdom of god unless your born again. Repent and turn from your sin. Having a personal relationship with Jesus. A priest cant take away my sin, I go straight to Jesus and confess my sins.


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