Former Navy Officer Tells Us What He Saw While Diving in the Arctic #2

There is no question that the most horrifying things are lurking deep in our planet’s waters. In this video, we’ll unveil the most insane discoveries recently made.

From a decades-old mystery to strange manganese balls, here are the 15 most terrifying things recently discovered underwater.

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~ Top Generality


24 thoughts on “Former Navy Officer Tells Us What He Saw While Diving in the Arctic #2”

  1. I think it is a travesty for humans today, to dig up tombs, avariciously seeking treasure! Tossing bones around looking for gold and jewels, those graves should NEVER be disturbed! But humans don't care about the past, they just want treasure for themselves that is NOT THEIRS to seek or keep! I saw a video not long ago, about them just tossing femurs and skulls a foot or two into boxes. That's just wrong! How would YOU like your loved ones' graves dug into a century from now, and their bones tossed around carelessly into boxes? Horrendous shameful behavior and handling of the dead.

  2. There's a worthy question what do you think what are land be split in the future very well could be that could be. Something that happens in the future for sure . But it may not happen either for sure. The truth is we just don't know. But it'd be nice to be ready for both just in case it does happen.

  3. He's talking about Rome. It just proves that all baterial things mean nothing without the people to live it. Material objects shouldn't be done so much to. It's like beauty's only skin deep. Which is not true statement. But sometimes is.

  4. It was not the Titanic, it was her sister ship the Olympic , she had had a hit and the repairs were going to bust the company so they swapped the names on the ship, it was a insurance job by JP Morgan , and a kill off of the worlds wealthy , that were opposed to the formation of the world bank.


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