Former Jehovah Witness coming out of the shadows after 20 years.

After 20 years of being Anonymous I have decided to be seen by the world. For these last 10 years I have been seeing the world as how it really is as well as the religion I grew up in called the : Jehovah Witnesses. I have contemplated making a video or series of my experience or journey with the witnesses hopefully to speak to some that are still in and/or more importantly those that like to remain Anonymous while dealing with the fall out of being either Disfellowshipped/Faded/Process of Fading or just simple disassociated. I feel that getting this off my chest and maybe helping others dealing with what only former JW’s feel we may be able to heal each other.


10 thoughts on “Former Jehovah Witness coming out of the shadows after 20 years.”

  1. Chaz, brother, I too have been disfellowshiped for 20 years. I too am 40 and grew up with you! I too have gone through therapy and much hardship from the cruel effects of this high control cult! I too want to be heard!

    Let's do a video together!

  2. This is very interesting to me. I was abandoned by my biological dad who is JW, more than likely because my mom remarried. When I put together the pieces of why when I was 18 I realized it was likely due to his JW beliefs. So I was never fully raised in it, but I do remember going to the Witness Hall and some of the giant meetings they'd do at Balmoral Park in IL.

    Honestly I'm so glad I wasn't raised in it. Not having my dad around was DEEPLY damaging…but I'm also queer and bisexual and I'd have likely ended up off of a roof.

  3. All I can say is glad you are free….life has so much to offer. Did you hear about JW elder killing single JW sister in England? He killed her last year July 2023 named Sharon Gordon over doing bad job on her home repairs. Goggle it. I was there from birth cause had JW parents, then faded like 20 years ago myself….just left. I tried go back a few years ago…not work at all!!
    Please read the book Homecoming by Dr T Bryant….good info and will help you!! Celebrity Tiffany Haddish;s Mom was a JW but she studied, & never got baptized. Also listen to music uplift you &, then read biographies of people who survive help you. Good bios to ready Cupcake Brown or Vic Nujici (born without arms and legs) and Debra Dickerson the American Story. I am glad you got a wife to help you. But JW mess up families and lives but can recover.

  4. Thank you for sharing this, it's outstanding how many of us are progressively coming forward, it is indeed an mazing time to be alive on this regard, the more truth about the org and about the religious trauma the more we have a chance for our voices to be heard, we don't need external validation, our trauma is very legit, but we do need for way more people to acknowledge it, to acknowledge us.

  5. thanks for sharing. i'm very similar to you around the same age, race, and work in IT. hope you can get a new role quickly. i left around 2 years ago and have moved forward but it's good to have a these kinds of discussions. absolutely agree about the therapy.

  6. So true about feeling alone and not realising there are others out there in the same boat. I left 29 years ago and have had a wonderful life outside. It was tough to start with but soon found my people, friends, my other half and built a new life. I also did not have social media etc. I actually left after reading George Orwell's 1984 and a book called Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan. So nothing 'apostate'. But that was enough. Then I found Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz. It was good to know this stuff to be free of the teachings. I knew plenty who left but then went back because they never took the time or were too scared to find out. Once you take that step you can never go back because it is so obvious they are just men, making stuff up…. a lot of it made me angry too. I was angry for years but eventually let it go. Life is good now. Thanks for your video, keep them coming!

  7. hi. If you haven't seen the entire "Australia Royal Commission" on this, you should invest the time. It's quite enlightening. If you don't already know about the ties that the Watchtower had with the United Nations, that'd be enlightening as well. I'm so glad you're out. It's a Satanic organization for certain. I drank the kool-aid for a time as well. I'm grateful for the work God did in my life. I am no longer a misplaced Christian. The list is endless once you do down that rabbit hole. Thank you for your video. I hope it helps others and proves therapeutic for you as well. God's blessings to you always. The one and only true God that is.

  8. I never really enjoyed being a witness, I went to college so I never really fitted in. That was the best decision of my life. I’m still struggling mentally with growing up in a high control group but I’m in good space I can make my own decisions now.


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