For My King and Lord

God bless you! Well, I have to say it took me a couple days for me to finish this song not because of the recording part but because my daughters decided they wanted to act out this song in some way. So, this is the final take. I enjoyed this song so much, and I was so humbled by what the Holy Spirit has taught me in the process of working with my daughters on this. Sometimes we feel alone in this journey and sometimes not worthy of the Jesus’ love. Afraid we will fail him miserably due to all our broken pieces. Thankfully we have the Holy Spirit who leads us back to the truth, that his love is not like any love we have known. For the love we know, sometimes isn’t love at all. His love will not discard you because of your broken pieces. Instead, He takes all your broken pieces and makes something new and beautiful for the glory of His grace. And He tells you that you will never be alone for He is in you and with you always, and that He has already given you everything you need to make it home. Jesus loves you and is coming! Accept Him today if you have not yet done so. God bless you!


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