FOOTAGE! Secret Russian Command Base Wiped Out by Ukrainians in Swift JDAM Attack! Ukraine War


9 thoughts on “FOOTAGE! Secret Russian Command Base Wiped Out by Ukrainians in Swift JDAM Attack! Ukraine War”

  1. Congrats on despite the many challenges the war brought, you manage to maintain the world informed of lighting speed reporting, I look forward to news from the front lines of the war, with the help of the world Ukraine will be victorious.

  2. USA protect japan and corea, chineese (CCP) use tech copy of amaerican and other country's inventions, they torture fallun gong participants so USA is wright and I am not american but proud to have them as nabor

  3. Nothing is secret from Ukrainian special forces orcs don't know how when Ukraine Will strike but strike they will freedom fighters stay strong and safe victory for Ukraine good luck Ukraine πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ‘πŸ’ͺ😜😜🀣


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