Fool Coda (Stripped Back) Instrumental Cover

This is a stripped back version of a more refined reiteration of my previous cover of the “Fool Coda” section of Aristotle’s Denial that I’m in the process of producing.

This was mostly put together because I thought it sounded good enough to release, however, it’s by no means complete, in fact, this is made of the tracks that I thought sounded vaguely finished. I cut out at least like 10+ tracks (and that’s being generous, probably in the 20s).
This is purely an instrumental, so I didn’t add vocals yet (I might record them myself or use Joe’s isolated vocals depending on how lazy I am)
The cut content (that will likely be in the next version) include:
-Extra drum tracks
-More electronic instruments following the melody of the bass
-Miscellaneous sounds to fill out space
and lastly
-More distortion/saturation

This was also uploaded as a reason for me to actually get out of my damn box of perfectionism and procrastination and actually upload something (weather complete or not).
I know this is something I’ve already made before (and likely not the last version) but I thought that I should upload something that I feel at least vaguely proud of. Of course this is not complete, but that’s why demos exist; as a demonstration that needs improvement.
These covers have also been helping me learn more about music production and my own personal preference of things I like making. I’ve been trying to make original work (mostly why I haven’t uploaded much), however, I’m quite good enough to make what I’m envisioning (of the quality that I’m envisioning either).

TL;DR this is a demo that’s both helping me understand the works of others and how to produce my own original work.

Anyways, that’s enough about that, go support those that made the original (or don’t, but please do because I like the original song)


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