Follow This Step By Step Video Sales Letter Formula To Sign SMMA Clients On Autopilot

Follow This Step By Step Video Sales Letter Formula To Sign SMMA Clients On Autopilot

➡️ If you run a marketing agency above $25k/m, I’ll guarantee you 90 qualified sales calls per month (completely done for you), or you don’t pay, and I’ll send you a $1k check for wasting your time.

If that interests you, apply here:

How to run facebook ads:

If you’re not booking at least 100 qualified sales calls per month, it’s probably because of 1 of 2 reasons.

A: Your ideal clients don’t see you as different from every other option in your market, or B: They see you as different but not as BETTER than every other option.

This is why for all of our 7 and 8-figure clients we build them a Video Sales Letter…

You see… a Video Sales Letter that follows the framework I’m about to give you, creates the following epiphanies in your prospect:
This is what I’ve been missing
This is what I need to get me to my goal
I realize why everything I’ve tried in the past has failed and why this is going to be different
I can see this is a NO BRAINER
This CLEARLY works
This is what I NEED

So what do you think they will do once they believe all those things to be true? They are going to book a call with you every single time.

And so in this video, I’m going to give you the exact framework all 110 of our active clients are using right now.

Again, if you’re a marketing agency watching this doing above $25,000/month and want us to do this for you like we do for our other 140+ clients, then click here:

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3 thoughts on “Follow This Step By Step Video Sales Letter Formula To Sign SMMA Clients On Autopilot”

  1. Kai my man, your videos have helped me a lot building my agency.
    Thanks For everything ! 🙌
    What video I wanna see next – How to get close clients in sales calls the perfect way, gaining confidence in calls.
    Thanks again 🙌


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