FoHdin Paladin – 100 Chaos MF Runs – Fist of the Heavens Paladin Build Guide D2R Patch 2.4 – Lanfear

What’s going on D2R Fans!
As always me and the team are ready to take on the denizens hell, and protect our precious Sanctuary!

In Today’s Video we take a look at my Fohdin or Fist of the Heavens Paladin, my second character for the new Patch 2.4 Ladder Season. Just a brief overview of where we are with the build, since we started with it 5 days ago.
We then showcase what dropped from Hell Chaos Sanctuary runs, with 100 runs being done with 200+-MF/magic find.
We got some great drops, which in turn gave us the wealth to gear up our Paladin a bit more!

Overall this Paladin build is very strong, even on a budget, though it is somewhat niche in what areas you can farm efficiently and fast. It REALLY excels at Chaos Sanctuary runs where all monsters are either Demons or Undead.
Stay with us as we progress with the build.

More to come!

Happy gaming!



13 thoughts on “FoHdin Paladin – 100 Chaos MF Runs – Fist of the Heavens Paladin Build Guide D2R Patch 2.4 – Lanfear”

  1. Hey Mr! I just thought I’d do a slight correction and add that FOH pally also rips through, Travincal, Arcane Sanctuary, Stony Tombs, Tower runs, Pindle and even ancient tunnels! All undead and demons etc. If you want high runes faster also clear carver packs in cold plains and stony field for high mob density. Saying FOH is ‘niche’ might be a bit hasty lol. Also I’m so glad to see you’re using Redemption. Make sure you also have max fire resists and a dwarf star so you can tank the venom lord breath without having to stagger step at all. Brightest blessings to you! 💪🏻⚡️✨

  2. Nice rng for 100 runs. I got 348 mf doin same runs around 150 or so right now only things worth keeping i've found so far was 17/13 griffons and an ist rune but havent found a griffons since i played in high school 15 years ago. So hype 🙂

  3. With respect, the reason you likely had problems is because your paladin was built like a classic FOHDin, which is built for PVP. From the video your still under geared a bit for it as you'd be depending heavily on reducing lightning resistance and increase lighting dmg. Not worth it for PVE and its very expensive for this early in season. But in PVP you'd 1-2 hit almost anyone. Technically the dmg from FOH (lightning part) can hit about 15k (/w conviction) and potentially to 20k (barb bump up and skill shrine).

    The absolute best version if your depending on casting is still 20 FOH, 20 Blessed Hammers, 20 Holy Bolt, 20 Vigor. Only 1 point into Concentration (keep it up when using hammers, it also synergies /w plus skills unlike vigor and blessed aim).You'd put 1 point into prerequisites for smiting and the rest of your points go into Blessed Aim. That would give you all the benefits of FOH/Holy bolt, a very strong (not absolute strongest) hammerdin skills and smiting ability. This character can clear entire game no help from ubers, all act bosses, dclone all of them. It can do P1 to P8 gets weaker on P8 but so does everyone minus hammerdin.

    There is a melee variant which is also very good and also clears entire game, take a standard zeal or smiter build. Also use standard FOH skills. Then use Principle runeword on your body armor and thank me later. For reference –

    Good video none the less and if you get the gear you will see a drastic difference. For reference check this out –
    The only characters dmg wise better that are S tier is obviously Max Damage Hammerdin Paladin (same gear) and probably a Javazon /w infinity. However the modern hybrid fohdin is just the all around clearing champ.

  4. I have far less than bis and I do chaos, worldstone and baal, trav, sanctuary, and countess , easy fast runs and so much fun. You kill more mobs more easily vs hammerdin. You are ranged and tanky. You have better merc options and way more slot options. Foh>Hammerdin, it's also easy to gear for ubers. Win


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