FnF Mod VS SANTA CLAWS Official Release! (JMC)

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Do YOU want to be in Friday Night Funkin’ as a mod? Like the Friday Night Funkin’ mod entities Starecrown, Banana Demon, That Funkin’ Frog, or even actually GOOD mods like Sonic EXE, AGOTI, and more? Those who subscribed and commented have a very good chance to be, and you can too!

In ORDER to have a better chance over everyone else when the next video arrives, you should follow these rules:

-Be subscribed 🙂
-Play GateTail

And that’s all! For those who didn’t get their character in, I’m sorry, but that’s how human beings work, I can’t choose everyone 🙂

Subscribe for 25 Christmas Points


39 thoughts on “FnF Mod VS SANTA CLAWS Official Release! (JMC)”

  1. 1. Make a star crown covered in dust and blood and a long hook that looks like it stretches out forever
    2. The background is snowy but the snow is ash dust and blood and there are other monsters of your choice in the background to
    And boyfriend is scared as well
    3. The music would be like the background theme of star crown phase 2 and he would screech when the screech normally is and boyfriend is running from star crown with star crown have ing spider like feet that he uses to crawl after boyfriend with his head upside down and he is there mad looking
    4. 🙃
    5. Secret word gatetale is awesome



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