Flashes of Light | Steven J. Lund | 2022

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The Lord has asked us to walk through the darkness of mortality, but He also provides flashes of light to grow our faith and reveal the way.

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34 thoughts on “Flashes of Light | Steven J. Lund | 2022”

  1. I'm grateful for the trials my family and I have faced on this earth, most especially grateful for my Heavenly Father's help in overcoming them and giving us an opportunity to have a strong testimony of his Son and the gospel. 💚

  2. Thank you. Thank you so much. This is what I needed to hear. The Spirit testified while listening that truly God is with me, that I have received many flashes of light and that He has a perfect purpose for what He has asked me to do.

  3. As a serviceman stationed in Germany, I made it to a Stake Conference, in Frankfurt, without a map or prior knowledge as to where the Stake center was located. These type of occurances seemed to be regular and expected back in those days.

  4. Being a member for over 15 years and having watched hundreds (if not over 1000) talks and speeches, not counting those I’ve seen/heard in-person firsthand, this is one of the top. Up there with His Grace is Sufficient by Brad Wilcox in my book. This talk was so masterfully and beautifully done. I couldn’t help but feel the inspiration of the Holy Ghost and of God Himself as I listened today. This talk has blessed my life. Thank you Brother Lund. Most of all thank God!

  5. Sentir, diante de tudo que nos sucede é um grande privilégio. Fazer perguntas para o Pai Celestial e ter suavemente as respostas e mais ainda o Pai Celestial prova. Eu sei que Seu amor é a maior luz que pode existir, porque mesmo aqui podemos ainda senti-lo e isso faz e fará toda a diferença depois da parte de prepararem tudo, à vê-lo levantar-se

  6. Who remembers a video shared on yt of Elder Lund saying that the Second Coming was imminent? Oh how I wish that video was still available! Exciting times!!!
    "Time is running out"!

  7. Great talk! I'm greatful that God doesn't micromanage us, by showing most of us, "parting of the red sea like miracles," in order to convince us that he lives. God knows that true faith can only be cultivated through being in a world filled with doubts, and choosing to act on faith, despite not being able to see everything right now. God loves us so much, that he sent Christ to die for us, that if we exercise faith in him, we can live with him and loved ones forever!

  8. 6:05 He called the guy Korihor? Really? Mocking him for coveralls? Why is it inappropriate to ask people their experiences with God?

    This talk downplays knowing Christ in power. The Lord does not ask us to walk in darkness. He commands us to turn to the light and become the light.

    Isaiah 50:11 talks about those who walk in "sparks" of light. They shall lie down in sorrow. This talk basically says that sparks are all we should expect, and near the end of the talk says that sparks in sacrament meeting are more powerful than the experiences of Moses, Paul, etc. REALLY?

    I'm working on knowing God in power. I'm not satisfied with flashes and sparks. Sorry–not buying this. The scriptures testify that God will give us more–even the first and second comforters.

    Cases in point: Lehi – 1 Ne 1. PILLAR OF FIRE. Not sparks. 1 Ne 11: Nephi – vision of the son of God. Jacob – saw Christ personally. Enos – spoke with God. People of King Benjamin – mass baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost. Alma Sr, Alma Jr, Helaman, etc. etc. Massive power, massive light. Actual knowledge of God.

    Does the Book of Mormon or Bible ask us to walk in darkness, with only flashes of light?

  9. Wonderful perspective! I like your question 'What are the chances?' This can be asked of many of my own personal experiences, but also of so many experiences and events throughout history, including the restoration of the state of Israel and the return of the scattered tribes to the promised land, the similarities between Israel and the restored church, the Book of Mormon and linguistic similarities, temples, etc. What are the chances? 100% chance of divine flashes of light. 😉

  10. Incredible. Powerful. Elder Lund put into words thoughts I have had and didn’t know it. Thank you for sharing the things The Lord has helped you to see ! These words have helped me see and understand things I already knew. So much information in this talk if you will but listen. I am on my fifth time…..and many more to come. This is where modern day scripture comes from.

  11. Your mother and father are so proud of you. He is so awesome!!! When he was taking that break, he was my Sunday school teacher when I was like 13 or so. His family was in our ward and his dad was my bishop. We love their family so very much.

  12. Wow! I could hear everything that Pres. Nelson has been urging and pleading us to do with one of said benefits "to expect miracles ". I definitely felt the Spirit throughout this. Things are definitely picking up serious speed and moving with haste. All these things are not coincidental, it is too well orchestrated to be of men. Awesome!


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