FLASH FLOOD hits BORDER WALL outside of Nogales Arizona & Mexico

Reed Timmer joins forces with flash flood guru David Rankin and young buck stellar chaser Jaden Papenheim, intercepting the front wall of a huge flash flood out of Mexico. When they trace the route upstream, they see a huge hole has been punched in the border wall by the flood.

#neverstopchasing #reedtimmer #weather

00:00 – Intro / Flooding in Nogales
01:34 – Stalled by smaller flash flood
02:44 – Arrive at Santa Cruz wash / Drone Scout
03:50 – Front wall of flash flood arriving
06:38 – Team traces flood back to border wall


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38 thoughts on “FLASH FLOOD hits BORDER WALL outside of Nogales Arizona & Mexico”

  1. How far down stream did you have to go to make the first stream crossing?
    Unfortunately the name "flash flood" is misleading. People think of the big flood flows you see on TV. So when they see the front slowly creeping up they don't know what is just behind.

  2. You wont have the opportunity to walk the washes up here in north central Az. In seconds you will see a 5 to 10ft wall of water coming at 40 mph or faster. Last year here on the verde river. There was a young lady of 16 who tried to drive through a flooded wash. She lost her life in seconds. She was also the granddaughter of the previous fire chief. So I am sure she was educated in flash floods.

  3. Biologist who’s happy to see an ecological corridor being reopened by Nature. Dumb idea in the first place, from my perspective… putting them where flash floods regularly occur even more dumb.

  4. I grew up in Kino Springs in 1972. Seen so many powerful floods there. The Santa Cruz river is an amazing navagable waterway which is under the juristriction of the US Coast guard but they never knew until it was brought to their attention. Funny story. What always gets me is the smell of the flood. Very distinctive. I'm so trained to it I can smell it so far away. Cool video !! Thanks guys.

  5. I just came here to see the “boarder wall”. What is that where it just randomly stops & turns to a half-assed fence? My backyard has a better fence 😂 like the Mexicans aren’t just gonna walk 30 feet down the road to cross at the fence? LMFAO what a joke! Good job Donald Duck. Dude probably pocketed that money too 💀

  6. Thanks for your helpful video. And welcome to an old river that has warned those who live near it to stay out of the way, & move up hill 30 degrees to keep from drowning. Cheers boyeez ✌

  7. I am absolutely fascinated with your content. Your channel and content are excellent. I lived in New Mexico for a few years. My Dad was born n raised there. I grew up in upstate New York where you don’t see a dry river bed suddenly flooding. I moved to N.M. as a teenager. The first time I saw an arroyo ( that’s what my Dad called the dry river beds) flood it was in front of my grandparents house. I was in awe! I had never seen anything like it. The sun was shining where we were so I couldn’t understand where all that water came from. My Dad was great at explaining to me how this happens. One time my cousin n I were stuck as the road in front of us was an arroyo that was flooded. We thought about driving through but my cousin knew better. She brought me back the next day to see that we would have probably gotten carried away by the flood or worse. It was about five feet deep in the aftermath of the flood when normally you could drive though. Thankfully my cousin was experienced in these things.
    Anyway, thank you for sharing your expertise with us.
    On another note, I believe I’ve met you somewhere. I never forget the face of someone I’ve met and talked to but I just can’t remember where. I’m still trying to figure it out, but I’m positive I’ve met you somewhere. I did hair for over 30 years in a few different states. I was also a bartender for 12 years. So maybe I cut your hair or served you a drink. It’ll come to me. ✨👍🏽🌞
    Thanks again for your channel!

  8. That border section that washed out did not seem very sturdy or very tall. Sections of the wall are 15+ feet and feet away, it’s more like a grazing fence. The purpose of the tall fences is to prevent anyone from just walking past it correct? Arizona needs to get that section secure. For safety reasons.


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