Flakka: The Designer Drug Destroying Communities

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33 thoughts on “Flakka: The Designer Drug Destroying Communities”

  1. "the closest to the high of cocain" mate, you are discribing a near psychedelic drug the whole clip… and you finish of with a saying like that? 😛 I fail to see the connection between these two drugs. Its like comparing speed to LSD.

  2. I heard the kid who ate the faces off the people after leaving the restaurant has lycanthropy. Not like.. he actually turns into a werebeast of some kind. But a form of psychosis where you actually believe you have become an animal. He takes medication now for his psychosis now and hasn't had an incident since.

  3. its bath salts, they just gave it a fancy name. —- happened way back in early 2000's – man was naked eating another man – they called him a zombie…. it was on the news one day and clearly vanished from the news the next day, im guessing ….not to frighten the world!!!! I recall seeing video they had of him attacking and eating this person…. As i recall, it was some months later, they discovered he was high on bath salts….

  4. Tasers do NOT work —- this Bath Salts —– these reports he is talking about, happened in Florida, It was proven to be "Bath Salts"….. at least 3 accounts of the "zombie" act happened. The forts was way over 20 years ago… a man was caught attacking and eating a man, the police shot him several times, yet it did not phase him at all. He was shot and killed. Another time a young boy attacked and ate a woman & man in there garage, again, nothing happened when he was tased numerous times…allegedly he was asking for help whilst chewing a mans face , saying he could not stop. This , as the other incident (though years apart – from the news media reveling anything) were proven to be Bath Salts!!!!!!

  5. so glad i never touched or saw this shit. i was an addict on many levels through highschool. had a "friend" give me fentanyl saying it was oxy and get hooked for a year. now im a chunky sober man with an even chunkier cat sleeping on my tummy. it hurts so bad to sober up but its worth it for a new life.


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