Five Incredible Mysteries of the Universe

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Today I Found Out:
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#MysteriesoftheUniverse #sideprojects


28 thoughts on “Five Incredible Mysteries of the Universe”

  1. I thought of the two universes idea decades ago after realizing the things in our universe that spew out matter in one direction also spew things out in the opposite direction. I then used this observation to answer why there's an overabundance of matter; the antimatter went the other direction. Finally, to tie it all together, I concluded time must be going in the opposite direction which causes antimatter to appear them to be (nearly) identical to the way we see matter.

  2. I am someone very interested in these topics and am impressed by how good of an overview you gave. It was very clear and accurate. I usually watch these for fun on topics I have little familiarity with, but was pleasantly surprised with how well done this one is.

  3. I used to believe in the mediocrity principle, but lately I’ve come around to the rare earth hypothesis. Sure, if life is exceedingly rare, what are the chances that it would be us out of the entire universe that falls into that category? Pretty low. But imagine if life is so exceedingly rare that only one planet ever supports it. Then the chance of it being us are 100%, since earth does support life

  4. A stat I like to keep in mind when thinking about why we have never encountered alien life with 100% verified evidence. Our radio waves have yet to leave our solar system. We have NEVER seen a planet outside our solar system. We have instruments that prove they are their such as light spectrum analysis as the various dimming of a star's light happens as the speck of a planet passes between its star and us. But everything else we are presented is artist interruptions of the number data collected by scientists. The likelihood of any other being see us or us seeing them at this point in our technology is nearly impossible. So mathematically, Aliens probably exist but perhaps not in a way that is currently discoverable to us. And frankly… they might not care we exist.

  5. Fyi you cant say that Dark energy makes up anything. It is not even proven and it forces religious people and flat Earther to say, "see they claim that something they have no prove of to be truth."

  6. The Fermi paradox isn't a paradox at all, as the Drake equation is completely arbitrary and not based on any evidence. There is simply no scientific way to approximate the probability of intelligent life from a sample size of 1. The only useful information you get from it is a proof that intelligent life is possible.

  7. stuff like this always makes me think about the starch contrast on our planet, at this moment there are people struggling to get food and water. and others are trying to solve the mysteries of the universe, crazy.

  8. You divide your spheroid into 64 by 64 flat earths 🌎 🤣 , yee 4095 flat earth's can be divided by 16,777,216 years so nobody goes there until Alon.
    In space one square meter stores 10^5000 " histories " in various wave form, when you fart, it produces a 'rare' history…series of voltage spikes carried by the aether too and frow. Only time is compressible, but history is dynamic. In deed space, history becomes afine, so on earth we flat earth people dig a fat 625 mile deep flat hole, everything, 1930's butt holes.

  9. None of this is real,you are all characters in a fevered dream i am having,and when i wake up,the entire universe will disappear,and you will disappear with the universe,and the only question that matters is where will i be when i wake up.


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