Fish Rescue! There are Fish Stranded In The Puddles In the Woods!

This is a bit of a different video. During my last session fishing the small stream in the woods I noticed there was some water left over by the recent flooding. In that water there seemed to be lots of small fish that had stranded in holes made by fallen trees! So this session I decided to dedicate a couple hours to try and catch some of these fish, identify them and move them to a more permanent home!
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30 thoughts on “Fish Rescue! There are Fish Stranded In The Puddles In the Woods!”

  1. Chris, I have used hooks 28 and 30 – NOW THEY ARE TINY! – to an 8oz Bayer bottom.

    On a warm summers day with not much happening, I went for a wander and saw a Pike about 1 1/2lb – 2lb laying under a bridge. I picked up my pole, and from my net placed a 3" skimmer on a 28 hook and dropped it in front of it – Pike grabbed it immediately! – played that pike out on the pole with NO elastic. Not proud of it now as I was young at the time – and a Pike that size was a BIG fish for me – but the size 28 was smack in the scissor so I never lost it.

    Wiser now – 40lb braid for Lures and 58lb Braid for Pike on Deadbaits alongside 28lb and 40lb traces dependent upon the method.

    But we all learn somehow…………

  2. Very different but really enjoyed. Not known anyone do this before saved from one area and moved back to the river. Hoping for them to breed again in time. Thanks for this very unusual vid..😮

  3. Very thoughtfull that m8 and your saving and preserving the sticklebacks nice 1 Chris we all should do this when fishing little places like that which will eventually dry up and the life in them sadly die👍😉💯👏👏👏

  4. i did that when i was 10 many many many years ago..and i looped and swan vesta match as a float on the 1lbs line as well useing size 24.. that was when i my eyes was good..and i could put the line thought the eye of the hook

  5. Love your Videos, there are some awesome wild trout in the River Tudd (Norwich) wrongly discredited by Mr Wilson in his book and I know it because I lived on it costessay and Kyaked and fished it, and spent many hours to study its many fish holding features. its a very small river but supports so many chalk stream and faster river fish

  6. Keep the videos coming and the information that comes with them. Would you ever think of making a video compilation of the funniest moments as things always go as planned. Keep safe Greg.

  7. Hi 👋. Loving your channel. Have been watching some of the past episodes. Will keep watching. A question if I may. Could you or have you already, instead of using a shop bought lure , could an elastic band cut down to about an inch work as well . 🤔. Maybe a challenge 🤔. I am looking forward to seeing your next video.

  8. I absolutely love this……..took me back to being 6 yrs old using a stick as a fishing rod and catching…..yeah minnows and sticklebacks….fair play Chris…..really nice vid


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