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Movie reaction, Movie Commentary, First time watching, Movie Review, tv reaction

Synopsis: In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, Max, a drifter and survivor, unwillingly joins Imperator Furiosa, a rebel warrior, in a quest to overthrow a tyrant who controls the land’s water supply.


29 thoughts on “FIRST TIME WATCHING *Mad Max: Fury Road*”

  1. You don't need to watch the previous movies to enjoy this one, as any good late sequels should do. I've watched the first movie & let me tell you, it is unrecognizable. Not because of young Mel Gibson, but because the setting looks like a rural australian town in the late 70s.

  2. Seb Mad Max came before Borderlands you need to watch the original with Mel Gibson and number 2 which is the best one.
    Number 3 not so much but it does have Tina Turner in it lol
    All directed by George Miller.

  3. The first 3 Mad Max movies explain how it became this apocalyps, and how Max has "seen some things", and those are more about max than this. I mean you associate Mad Max now with the world, and the feeling, not Max really. Max is the man "we know".
    It's actually insane how we see the early days of the apocolyps in the 1st one, and Max is so much different.

  4. Yes, Mad Max was always known as the Road Warrior. He is always driving, always alone. So many memes came out of this movie. My favorite is Immortan Joe saying "Mediocre!". According to the stories the warlords won the wasteland. Colonel Joe Moore was 1 of 3 warlords who survived the Gas Wars and the Water Wars. After that he built up a gang to raid settlements and take their women; the War Boys. Then the three of them conquered an Aquifier Plant known as the Citadel and founded Gas Town and Bullet Farm. That is why he still wears the medals on his chest. To many who were still alive when he died he was a war hero and to everyone else, a nightmare.

  5. This movie helped me feel something in the middle of a depressive episode when I couldn’t get immersed in anything. I only went to see it because there were news articles coming out with headlines like “Practical stunts performed by Cirque de Soleil performers” and “feminist film” (I am a feminist and people always get it wrong so I was weary) that caught my attention. I knew nothing about the universe, and went into it with LOW expectations because of how bad actions movies were at the time, and left the theater BUZZING with energy and excitement I hadn’t felt in so long. Shortly after I saw a two-panel comic where the first is “Driving to the theater before seeing MM:FR,” and has two people sitting normally in a car. The second panel is “Driving home after seeing MM:FR” where they’re hanging out of the car windows with weapons screaming “Witness me!!!” I felt so seen.

  6. So, the guy who created this was originally a trauma surgeon in an ER in Australia. The whole world was created during an oil shortage/crisis in Australia and imagining a world where the shortage didn't stop and countries destroyed the world. It all goes tribal and migratory for the most part. Immorten Joe treated a cult around him, and the war boys are all imbred (thus all their cancers and defects). Furiousa was once a breeder but couldn't produce a male heir. She was going to be killed but proved her worth.

    The War Boys are indoctrinated that dying valiantly (especially after being noticed by Joe) will lead to a place in Valhalla, a glorious afterlife for warriors. And the stuff they spray is just chrome spray paint.

    Max (or Mad Max) is a folk hero in the series, at least after the first movie, which shows the beginnings of this setting. It's all stories told about Max or that Max witnesses.

    And schlanger is dick. 😂

  7. Sebastian how are you Just Watching the Greatest Film Ever
    Your probably Older than me and I watched more films and TV shows than you
    What is even the point of this YouTube Channel, I've just watching this Film for the First Time Wow So cool (Sarcasm) not this YouTube Channel and you are literally like every other Reaction Channel out #Rubbish Your Channel is like the Back of a Herse, Dead #Boring 👇👇👇👇

  8. I got the Ork vibes too. I imagine warhammer took a lot of inspiration from the original Mad Max movies. In a spinoff warhammer game called Gorkamorka there's humans that live like orks called Diggas, and the warboys in this movie are so similar to them.

  9. The deal with the warboys. They’re called “half-life warboys” because they’re all stricken with cancers due to the toxicity of the world and they know they’re going to die. They follow Joe and revere him as a god because he controls the only water in the region. For them, the greatest glory they could ever hope to achieve is to die in a spectacular fashion fighting for Joe and be welcomed into Valhalla in a fiery ball of death. It’s a very cult-like mentality, but it keeps them going when they have no real hope in a hopeless world. The chrome teeth thing is mimicking the cars that are the lifeblood of the wastelands, and they do it when they know they’re about to sacrifice themselves in a spectacular fashion so they can be witnessed by their peers and their legend will be carried on.

  10. The only problem I had with this movie is they pretty mutch side lined mad max in his own movie a lot more than any other movie it was a little unbalanced and I think the story could have been better I hope mad max wasteland doesn’t disappoint men or women but a little more balance would be nice

  11. Ye I can't really explain the experience of watching this in the cinema. Think we were all in a state of shock wondering wtf we'd just watched 11/10.

    I agree it does skirt the boundary of being too much.

  12. "schlange" is a german word meaning "snake"
    The spray the war boys use when going kamikaze is supposed to be chrome (their religion is based on the V8 engines, hence "shiny" and "chrome" being top approval words. Their crossed finger hand signal is supposed to mimic the engine pistons. Nux's chest tattoo is engine schematics)
    There is a fan theory that the chrome spray also contains some substance which makes them more susceptible to going out in a blaze of glory, so you might have been right on that.


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