FIRST TAKE | Blatantly rigging games: Stephen A. rips Refs after giving Lakers 23 free throws in 4Q

FIRST TAKE | “Blatantly rigging games”: Stephen A. blasts Refs after giving Lakers 23 free throws in 4th-QTR


27 thoughts on “FIRST TAKE | Blatantly rigging games: Stephen A. rips Refs after giving Lakers 23 free throws in 4Q”

  1. The issue is not that Lakers got many calls, it's that Raptors didn't get the same calls in their favour. Both teams played physical, Lakers guards were constantly bordering the lines of getting T'd up but they were allowed to keep going. I love seeing the intensity by both sides and this was actually a very good game to watch… except until the final few minutes. Didn't feel the refs were calling fouls to the same standards on both sides. A light touch to AD gets a call but hacking Scottie doesn't?

    I've said this time and time again, Basketball is a physical game, so honestly I'd love to stop seeing calls on a hand to the hip and have to review this stuff for several minutes every time. Let the players play, we are here to see the players, not see the refs go on their power trips and punish hard working teams.

  2. It’s super rigged
    The LA FreeThrowers
    Get 23 fouls smh
    The NBA is the new WWE
    It’s scripted and rigged
    And they are always trying to force feed us with this Lebron Crap
    He’s overrated, overhyped & over the hill
    The team is horrible and if the refs and the league didn’t cheat for them they would be completely exposed 😊

  3. This bs bn goin on since this legal betting, its not a secret🤫 how did evrybdy expect for vegas to stay rich? Sports betting isnt hard, or "WASNT" hard, its so much bs in evry sport being played right now especially the NBA!


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