First impressions of Kathmandu Nepal 2023 4K

I arrived in Kathmandu in Late November and decided to stay in Thamel. I stepped out of my hotel and this is what I saw. I was approached by a musician and then a rickshaw who took me on a tour. This is raw and unedited.

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23 thoughts on “First impressions of Kathmandu Nepal 2023 4K”

  1. 6:00 Its called Sarangi in Nepal and only found in Nepal . Though it looks similar to violin but its completely different . Violin is played by pressing the stings while sarangi is played sliding(rubbing) the strings using your nails .. But now days people play like the violin too ..

    Between you need not say SIR to us as we are comfortable with informal words. Just be polite and smile the whole nepal will be behind you .. Such are the people in Nepal , always smiling and willing to help our guest ..

    Note : Beware of the Barber shops and ask them to show their rate list or ask the price or else these Indian barber ( as most barber in Nepal are Indian Biharis ) will scam you by charging 4 /5 times more .. Hair cut in Kathmandu is only 200 not 1000 as these indian barbers scams our guest ..


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