First Fruits Worship: Estep's Good Medicine

First fruits praise and worship. 2023 Passover gathering in Lebanon , MO.

The Estep’s YouTube channel:
We are so thankful they were able to visit and worship with us at Passover 2023!

If you are new, please see this playlist:

Ministry information & How to connect with us

Our Music (Simply Prodigal)

2021-2025 Feast Day Calendar PDF:


21 thoughts on “First Fruits Worship: Estep's Good Medicine”

  1. What a blessed surprise! πŸ˜„ Thank Abba for all He is and all He does πŸ™‚ Getting to listen to a greatly blessed music offering to Yah like that seems like a little taste of what it will be like for the 1st fruits who set them selves apart from the man made traditions of the devil's kingdom and honestly try to live by every word from the mouth of YHWH, when they are gathered and everyone gets to praise Yah together in the greatest concerts ever for all eternity! πŸ˜ƒ Countless immortal beings playing together in perfect harmony along with their blessed Messiah! πŸ™‚ HalleluYAH! 😊

  2. Here is a warning to my Torah keeping family, I have noticed a rise in Torah keepers promoting the belief in the practice of polygamy. Pete Rambo has a YouTube channel where he teaches polygamy is from YAH and even that YAH was/is a polygamist. He believes this because polygamy not directly mentioned in Torah as a sin, its from YAH. Shalom brothers and sisters

  3. September 23rd is more important than you think. 9 months = 9 years. Sep 23 2017 plus 9 years = September 23 2026.
    September 2026 – 1260 days. (3.5 years)
    April 13th Wednesday 2023


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