First Amendment Auditor COMPLETELY EXPOSES And EDUCATES Tyrant Cops

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First Amendment Auditor COMPLETELY EXPOSES And EDUCATES Tyrant Cops

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48 thoughts on “First Amendment Auditor COMPLETELY EXPOSES And EDUCATES Tyrant Cops”

  1. While I appreciate what Auditors do, I'm afraid that they are on a hiding to nothing. Until the management changes, this sort of thing will continue. The police consider everyone other than other cops as the enemy. People that need to be thrown in jail, if for no other reason than to teach them their place. It's no wonder the police have little to no respect anymore. My personal estimation is that only 30% of cops are actually decent, professional law enforcement officers, honouring their oath to protect and to serve. Of the rest, 35% are bullies that discovered that all they have to do is pass a 6 week course and they can become ARMED bullies with qualified immunity. The other 35% are people that were bullied all of their life and found out that as a cop they get to be the bullies. C'mon coppers, PROIVE ME WRONG!!

  2. Ironic how people fleeing tyranny, or their children (I can see the map of Cuba on his face, like me) become even more tyrannical. The City of Miami Beach cops are the worst in South Florida. Arrogant, law breaking sovereign citizen psychopaths.

  3. Ignorance is so pervasive in law enforcement. Anybody surprised at the stupidity of these guys?
    This cop thinking he's a hero is ludicrous. He's just another tyrant with an overblown ego.

  4. get 2 Ropes, Problem Solved,

    these (So Called) LEO'S have 100% proof where crime occurs daily, YET they WILL NOT post up in those high crime areas 24/7….. We (& They) know exactly WHY 🤦.


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