first amendment audit- Tyrant Officer Kevin still won't admit he arrested me for filming

officer Kevin arrested me back in 2019 for filming(links below) I think he’s a dangerous cop and needs to be removed from the force. Just check out these other videos and you’ll see why I say dangerous.

Arrest video-

jail interview-

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18 thoughts on “first amendment audit- Tyrant Officer Kevin still won't admit he arrested me for filming”

  1. Yes not hard to file a federal lawsuit you just got to educate yourself on how to fill the paperwork out and where to file it. they need to remember qualified immunity does not protect them from a bullet.

  2. What a wonderful country, where you can disrespect and flip off law enforcement and live to promote it on YouTube… Just try that in China, Cuba, Mexico, N. Korea, Russia, Etc… No seriously, I want to see the video of you pulling that crap in any other country… This clown gets up in the morning and says; "Let's see, what do I want to do today? I know, let's go out and provoke people with guns, but not the mob or gangbangers or antifa or BLM. No let's provoke the police, because they have to exercise restraint." /hyperbole

  3. I will never understand these idiots that get pulled over, you'll get a ticket, and then they'll chat it up and be friendly with the cop that just cost them money, I cannot believe how brainwashed they are…


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