q Finding out your friend is a Vampire Pt7 - New World videos

Finding out your friend is a Vampire Pt7

“After a rather eventful night and three days stuck at the hospital, you are finally discharged. It is late at night and all you can think about is getting back home and Sky. You reach for your phone to call him but for some odd reason, he doesn’t pick up. You make it home and you call again, but still nothing. A week passes by, then two and still nothing. You don’t understand what might be wrong. Why has he disappeared all of a sudden? And then you hear a knock on your door…”

Story and Art by Obsidian Lantern



38 thoughts on “Finding out your friend is a Vampire Pt7”

  1. Sky! You ass! What the fuck…? sigh Get your ass in here, now…*Listens with anger and concern. Pulls him in…* You should go wash up, please…
    Timeskip*Thanks for that…Bullshit, it's not as bad…Honest? -.- Alright, but you should be resting at least. *Intrigued One sec…Wait, will a blanket do? Okay…Yikes disturbed by the report.
    And avoiding my calls… -.- Sorry…o.o Really?! Shocked. Why would someone do that?! That's insane…O.O Ava's an Ancient?? sighs in relief. I see…Thank you, but you're still an idiot. -.- Are you nuts?! -.- You are nuts…Wait, WHAT?!…o.o -.- How?? Jeezus >< rubs temples. You are damned lucky you were able to get away at all…Are you okay?… *pokes wound*…What now?
    Oh? smiles a little…blushes lightly You missed me? Really?…-////- You idiot kisses then pulls away. You didn't like it…*chuckles.* You wanna wait then…? o///o

    Goddamit >< What a way to end it. Part 8 please~! ^///^

  2. Have I ever mentioned his look kinda gives me Howl from Howl's Moving Castle vibes? In any case about dam time we had a confession..welll close to one I'm glad Sky is okie and I found it do cute he thought this was one sided BOY WAS HE WRONG 😀
    Amazing work Obi ^^

  3. “It was more of just poking me with sticks”
    Tell me why what popped into my head when I heard this was Gabriel Iglesias’ impression of Crocodile Hunter “I’m gonna poke him with a stick. He’s angry!” 😂😂

  4. When Sky described what he saw at the Hunters Hideout it got me thinking; is there a shared universe between this, the werewolf, the demon, and merfolk stories? Or are they just separate and mention other supernatural beings just because they're common folklore/legends?


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