Final Update on the Logan Paul Drama


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edited by: nine take nevil
#ludwig #mogulmail #loganpaul


21 thoughts on “Final Update on the Logan Paul Drama”

  1. Wait, so somebody put 2 mill into something that didn't work??? Why??? You think they would've waited for it to work after the initial buy, not continue to by more. Maybe that's just me.

  2. Thank you so much for telling us about the dislike extension!! I never understood why some streamers still had disliked enabled. I was never able to find the reason why on google. Well.. now I know!

  3. A former boss of mine bought a pot belly pig ( or so he thought) for his wife . he was cute and was real tiny for about 8 months, then bam less than 4 years that pig was a hogg weighing in @ 375 pounds.

  4. Has anyone seen that video where George explains to Logan that you never want to tell God to manifest himself right now because it could lead to terrible pain or something?

    I think George absolutely predicted Logans downfall lol

  5. i don't give a shit about crypto bros losing money, in fact i don't really give a shit about crypto at all. but when you involve animals in your pursuit of clout, that's when i have a problem. a 10 second google search will tell you teacup pigs get big. he only wanted her because at the time she was cute and would get a bunch of likes. now that she isn't the eye candy he wanted, he doesnt give a shit. it's indictive of his habit of just tossing anyone he doesn't need to the side, even if they're stranded in a field with mangled ears next to a dead pig. with all the notoriety he has he easily could have rehomed that pig successfully, but it looks like he took the easy way out once again. piece of shit.

    edit: the pig was clearly rehomed to someone who couldn't take care of it if what he said was true. if he's still lying, that makes it even worse. my question is, with all his money and connections, he couldn't make sure one single solitary pig had a good home? this is just the natural progression of him not giving a shit about those below him and just tossing them off without any conscience. kind of repulsive but what do i know.

  6. LOL Let's not forget the last "Influencer" who started talked about the Matrix closing in on him. Seems like matrix is just a way to say the police and investors are tired of my shit and now are making my life hard. But no, of course its the 1999 Movie 'The Matrix' staring Keanu reeves written and directed by the Wachowski Sisters.

  7. Imagine having that much money and that many people on your team and just completely blow a situation up every time. It blows my mind lol. Your rage said it best.

  8. I’m not sure why people follow him. He said he was going to fix crypto zoo, only said that because someone called him out. People please ignore him that’s the only way he’ll get the message.


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