Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood – #13 – The Doman Liberation Front

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0:00 – Introduction

0:48 – QUEST: “A Silence in Three Parts”

11:16 – QUEST: “Life after Doma”

21:09 – QUEST: “A Glimpse of Madness”

35:17 – QUEST: “The Stubborn Remainder”


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Edited by Daniel Floyd

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Stormblood


30 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood – #13 – The Doman Liberation Front”

  1. 6:27 I knew better than to hope for that. Thankfully, there exist other games where that kind of beauty isn't dumped on amazingly evil people. specifically one with neat attention to naval history
    12:05 …No kabuto? It's not a bad blend of armour and clothing, per se. Just feels weird to me. Minimal torso armour, arm armour, no kabuto. (38:37 I do approve of the green, though.)
    14:02 Poor Gosetsu, the problem for them is that you're alive.
    20:02 At least this is freshwater!
    32:56 "Solely", no. War on two fronts and all that.
    37:46 Wait, what?! Colour me impressed, even with all Dan's mentioned of the game noting your ranks and stuff, I did not expect this.
    39:24 Amateur architecture nerd aside: I think we're getting into more Chinese (Han?) architecture. Walls are becoming more brick and decorated. Edo, for the most part, lacks these details. At least, I'm fairly sure of it, feel free to correct me. I still lack books on the subject.

  2. Second video today, second time Dan enters a village broken by foreign imperialism.
    Although Zenos and Odin make for very different villains.

  3. Yosutsu is really putting a lot of blame on the red kojin, but in my opinion, it is partially her own fault for counting so much of her forces on hired hands (especially a single group of them, who live together and share the same culture), so much so that if and when they are crippled one way or another, her forces lose their standing that easily

  4. Playfriends, welcome to Doma! Well, that assumes that Durmin is welcome in Doma. This is your spoiler free lore comment.

    Yotsuyu is almost comically villainous. I feel like it's part of the reason the community loves to hate here. Her voice and mannerisms are the reason the community loves to love her, in spite of her actions. But she does chance on a useful Kojin treasure. I wonder who would want a expertly crafted katana?

    11:50 – Welcome to Samurai, friends. Well do a bit of a lore deep dive on this job if Dan does another job showcase, if not, I'll cover it when he hits patch content. Here's the a brief breakdown. Samurai is a melee DPS class, and is known as one of the highest individual DPS jobs in the game. Learning the way of the sword pays off! The three symbols in a triangle are called Sen, and you receive specific Sen for conducting a specific attack combo. The job is big on the Iaijutsu aesthetic, and players spend their Sen to perform different types of Iaijutsu attacks. It's not specific Sen spent, it spends all your Sen, and how many you have dictates the type of attack. The blade below the Sen is the kenki gauge, which builds up when performing attacks and positional attacks, and is spent to perform other special attacks, like dashing in and flipping away from enemies. And yes, the community get a lot of mileage out of the kenki / "kinky" terminology.

    13:10 – Sometimes i think Gosetsu is the kind of guy who would scream " THIS IS A DIVERSIONARY ATTACK " when trying to get his enemy's attention. When Lyse looks subtle when standing next to you, and Alisie is your expert planner, things are very loud indeed. Team Punch is big on damage, big on sound, but not so big on thinking things through. Once again, one of Stormblood's motifs is that innocent lives can be impacted by other people's actions. Namai's residents have endured Imperial reprisals for the rebellion. Some of their love ones have been taken by the Garleans to Kami knows where. Yotsuyu has made it clear: associating with anyone who would stand up to her reign is a death sentence, or worse. While some would note that repeated reprisals would eventually deplete a place like Namai of all labor and economic output, you need to remember that Yotsuyu doesn't care. If all the Domans die under her reign, her only regret would be that there aren't any left for her to abuse.

    25:20 – Hien makes a fairly reasonable request here. Doma was conquered 25 years before Durmin's adventure began. An entire generation has grown to maturity under Garlean rule. And Hien is among that group. While Garlean rule has persisted, it has only recently become particularly harsh under Yotsuyu's reign. All of this traces back to the attempted rebellion that Hien, Gosetsu, and Yugiri advocated for. They convinced Kaien to rise up, and for their troubles Doma was nearly razed. Kaien and many of the best of Doma's fighters are dead at Zenos' hands. Yugiri took as many Domans as she could in squalid, stinking ships across the seas all the way to Eorzea. Those who remained have been beaten into submission by Yotsuyu. How much is enough? Hien would not subject Domans to more death and suffering without knowing that they yearn for freedom from the Garlean yoke. And he would ensure that this is informed consent, that Domans know that Doman blood soak the soil before victory is achieved. The reactions of Gosetsu and Yugiri are telling. Gosetsu notes that this is a wise course of action, a far cry from the brash man who marched into Namai just minutes earlier. The samurai is wiser than he seems. Yugiri on the other hand, notes that Hien's other option, serving himself up to Yotsuyu's forces, will produce nothing. This will not placate Yotusyu's thirst for Doman pain, and would only end Hien's life. Should Doma deny the path to liberation, better for Hien to live the life of an exile on the Steppe. And so we learn a lot about Hien before we meet him. He is wise, tempered by the bloodshed he has seen, but he is also haunted by the pain he has caused. Hien believes that if he continues to live, some Domans would yearn for the rebellion, and that would invite more bloodshed.

    One note that receives just a single line is about Garleans attempting to force their way into the House of the Fierce without having their conscripts attuned to the aetheryte. We haven't talked about how aetherytes work since Snowcloak back in ARR. Sending people unattuned to the aetheryte is, in effect, forcing people to be dematerialized, and fired at an unknown target, uncertain if they will reach it and be able to be materialized. Failure could have the person bounce back to their origin point, have their body and soul lost to the aetherial sea, or having them rematerialize at any number of points, including at the desired destination, with unknown effects to their person. The fear that Zenos would send conscripts raises the specter of both a surprise attack within the House of the Fierce, and the horrific ends of many of those conscripts. Also, this provides a visible and mechanical view of the state of the Doman Liberation Front. Currently, they fear the enemy even in their own base of operations, even if activating the aetheryte would help their logistics.

    37:40 – I think this is a check against the fact that Durmin has leveled Ninja, but not currently a ninja? This serves as an excellent example of Stormblood starting to check against a player's activities and status for incidental dialogue.

    42:15 – Masatsuchi isn't first Lupin that Durmin has met. He's actually met a small handful. He met them at Rhalgr's Reach. And he promptly killed them, since they were part of the Garlean attack force. And yes, as with many of the non-playable humanoids in the game, players have requested that Lupin be added as an option, but there are no current plans for their addition. It's been stated that Hrothgar ladies is the only addition on the horizon, and there have been no plans for additional playable peoples beyond that.

  5. 37:55 If I had to guess, it would be that items in the game have designer-set tags in them, like "armor", "sword", "cloth", "metal" and etc. Then the encounter scripting looks for a tag "Doman" among your equipped clothing slot items, and if the tag is present it then selects the appropriate character line.

    That's just speculation on my part though. Someone who does data-mining of FFXIV items would be able to indicate if my guess is accurate or not.

  6. 0:35 Since it comes up right at the start of this video, it is the One (1) River, as in the number 1. While I don't believe there is ever a point where we get an English cutscene that clarified this pronunciation, you can tell it from the translation in other languages. For instance, in some translations it is referred to as the "Muni" river, using a Japanese word that can be translated as "peerless" or "one and only." In the German version, it is "Der Einzig," which means "The Only".

  7. – i'm starting to think Yotsuyu isn't about the sadism, but just racist
    – and this is why you read your contract, especially if you're going to deal with a totalitarian boss. but just as life advice, read your contracts
    – Gotetsu, i feel you would be received better if you were a vengeful spirit
    27:39 [duck noises] Ajimaru Ajimaru!
    – oh no, Zenos is a Totalitarian, a detached psychopath, & worst of all… a weeb!
    – i mean, technically Durmin is not from Ul'dah… that still made me laugh tho
    – ohhh so that's what a sunny day in Doma looks like
    – Durmin, that wasn't even remotely close to the concept of badly imitating someone who's a creep, like, not even Ishgard & Doma aren't that far apart
    – actually it makes sense for the young Lord to ask Yugiri if the Domans even WANT the revolution to pick back up… also is the least subtle Wink Wink nudge Nudge for Yugiri

  8. Something that I look forward to seeing whether it's addressed or not is the subject of all of Garlean's forces. Like, theyve got to have a sizable army to hold so much territory and still be trying to expand into Eorzea. Some of that is no doubt coming from other mercenaries like the Red Kojin. But the rest, when pushed from a decently large chunk of land – say, a Doma sized chunk – would certainly leave the army there reduced, but nowhere near fully depleted. At least, not if under the command of a competent general. So, that then frees up forces from holding one region, that can be put to use pushing into another.

    So, it'll be interesting to see whether that's lampshaded, addressed directly, or just ignored.

  9. 42:40 Yes, absolutely there are a LOT of Warriors of Light that wish they could play as a Lupin. As I recall, after Stormblood came out the devs were a bit surprised by their popularity and calls for them to be the next playable race. Unfortunately the way the Lupin heads are modeled doesn't allow for much in the way of emoting or customization, so the devs said having them be a playable race wasn't feasible.

    Part of me suspects that Hrothgar were an attempt to meet this part of the playerbase halfway, having a much more beastial PC race option but that was build with that intent from the start. The difficulties Hrothgar have (hairstyle tied to fur pattern, helm as NO helm had been built with the idea of the wearer having a muzzle, etc) show just how much contortion was needed to get the in-place systems to allow them.

  10. "A Silence in Three Parts" I love Name of the Wind references. It reminds me how absolutely desperate I am for the last book that'll probably never happen. But in all seriousness, the phrase refers to the combining of types of silence, the last and most powerful of which is always the "cut flower sound of a man waiting to die." Which is very appropriate to Doma in her current state.

  11. Durmin in the samurai outfit looks utterly adorable! Anything he wears is such a treat.
    And I love the little story that he's being spoiled by his fairy godparent :3

  12. Just a quick little Lore tidbit, for the fun of it. ^_^

    Gosetsu is, obviously, a Roegadyn. No doubts there. But he in not actually a Hellsguard or a Sea Wolf Roegadyn, as we've seen throughout FFXIV. He's a member of a third tribe of Roegadyn, native to Othard. This is why his coloration and facial features are so different from any we've thus seen. ^_^ First example of a third major phenotype/tribe in an existing race.

  13. Oooh, I would've pinned Dan as a Dancer or Red Mage main! SAM is fun, one of my favorite melees for sure 😁

    I love the extra effort the VAs put in with the pronunciation of the eastern-inspired words and names – and if my ears don't deceive me, I think Dan has been practicing as well! 👀

    Man, I like Yanxia a lot, but I can't wait for ya'll to see the Steppe. Hands down one of my favorite maps in the game. I hope the weather cooperates!

  14. "We're not THAT Ul'dahn" is… surprisingly relatable, and something I, as someone with a character who started in Ul'dah and lived there for years, find myself saying fairly often.

    Peak relatable content

  15. So I tried figuring out what was written on the banner inside the house of the fierce, and I just can't figure it out. I asked my japanese teacher too, and she was just as confused. Does anyone know if it's supposed to be actual japanese, or just resemble it?


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