Final Fantasy 6 – 2022 Remaster (Part 19)

🫘So apparently it’s the 30th anniversary of this game today. Weird! We continue our adventures in the World of Ruin, searching for our lost friends after Kefka devastated the planet.

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30 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 6 – 2022 Remaster (Part 19)”

  1. By eschewing the live aspect of the LP and having everything already done, you can also avoid those obnoxious commenters who would drone on and on and on with answers to rhetorical questions and having the temerity to shove heaps of unasked-for "advice", drowning out normal-people's comments. There was one guy who particularly needed to stuff it and let you play your playthrough, but he will surely not bother any longer. I bet he was all over your GW2 streams, too, probably with a cringey name like "Time's Lament" or some such bollocks.


  2. The patch sounds really interesting to me – I want all the spells on all my characters, but I also want to be underleveled so there's some challenge (not that dinosaurs are pushovers! I imagine you've met a Brachiosaur or two and learned that herbivore dinos wield phenomenal cosmic power), and now I might be able to get that without grinding on the Veldt until I lost interest in my playthrough.

  3. Ahhh yes!! The return of ff6 let’s get into it. On a side note, I’m falling back in love with gw2 man oh man. Putting together a new character, themes and build, going through new story and capping the last of my mastery. Good times anyways pumped to soak up the reminder of this series with you.

  4. 3:07 dinosaur forest is one of best places lvl up. Gau is a very situational character. Gotta be a master of knowing your beastiary but can bully certain enemies if you know the enemy's weaknesses and get the specific rages from the veldt

  5. Yea I played the ff10 remaster on steam (and I got 9 off a sale sometime ago, when SE finally learnt now to count past 50 and gave it 60% off) and there were various cheats for it, I played it while watching your LP back then. Kind of makes the no encounter accessory in 10 useless though. Pretty wild ff6 has a patch for this version so recently though.

    If all you wanted to do was yolo to the end of the game, the world of ruin doesn't have a whole lot to do, but this is the endgame of 6, and as with all single player FF games it's filled with a ton of side activities to do.

  6. Wooden what do you expecting from Gw Ip as lore wise.I hope Gw 3 will be 100 years old later of Gw 2 and Dragons left to earth,Tengu open to Dominion of Wind and it will be starter area for Tengu,Itzel get out of maguuma and creating villiges for heal to world.Quaggon drove Krait from their territories and established a kingdom and we have Quaggon king an Queen.And old gods are back in neglect of Five gods.

  7. I'm happy this is back! I've always loved your gw2 content and still do but you doing other games is so awesome! I've never played any FF games so this is all really new and cool to me!

  8. As an ff8 fan, I really hesitate to call Gilgamesh an "upgrade" to Odin 😛
    The steam release of 8 also had the same kind of cheats available too, and I absolutely abused the option that granted a ton of free magics to save time drawing for ages on every character.

  9. Toggling off random encounters seems like a very dangerous thing to me. That's the kind of feature that I imagine most players would use, and everyone would love the idea, but it has the potential to really break the game, doesn't it? Like the progression is balanced around the player having to fight a certain percentage of enemies as they travel, and if you never had it on I imagine you could end up in some spots being really underpowered and get frustrated.

    Maybe this doesn't pan out in reality, but that's where my brain goes. It's the old game design adage (and I'm paraphrasing): if given the opportunity, players will usually optimize the fun out of their own experience.


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