Filthy Secrets of the Egyptian Pharaohs

Welcome To Lost Horizon. various aspects of ancient Egyptian royal tombs, their opulence, and the dark side of ancient Egyptian royalty. the construction of the pyramids, the treatment of workers, power struggles within royal harems, including a conspiracy against Ramesses III, beauty rituals, feasting with the gods, medical practices, and the spiritual beliefs and practices of the elite ruling class in ancient Egypt. It provides insights into the hidden aspects of Egyptian history and culture.
00:00 Introduction
00:48 Decoding the Opulence of Ancient Egyptian Royal Tombs
02:19 The Dark Side of Ancient Egyptian Royalty
05:15 The Eccentric Beauty Rituals of Ancient Egyptian Royalty
07:43 Feasting with the Gods
09:17 The Curious Medical Practices and Healing Rituals of Ancient Egyptian Royalty
10:36 Unveiling the Secret Cults and Mysteries of Ancient Egyptian Royalty


3 thoughts on “Filthy Secrets of the Egyptian Pharaohs”

  1. HUH? They pyramids were built by the Egyptian people. Their town have been found. They were medically cared for and fed. The Pharohs made sure the people were well cared for or they would never get any of them to build
    These computers that read these shows is really annoying.


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