Filming in Sudan Against All Odds

Meet The Gaffer #341. The engaging story of filming a feature in a country that is about to devolve into war. Hear about the numerous hurdles, including language differences, non-actor cast, learning crew, heat, Call to Prayer, protests, and tear gas.

Goodbye Julia –

00:40 Trailer for Goodby Julia
02:40 Mohomed Kordofani Bio
04:43 Pierre De Villiers Bio
05:51 Synopsis of Goodby Julia
06:36 The Situation in Sudan
08:37 DP’s thoughts on filming in Sudan
11:26 Appreciation for foreign crew
13:28 Lighting and Grip for the film
15:22 A grip truck?
16:12 Communication and Translation
18:02 Types of Lights
19:50 VariND Cinefade by cmotion
23:06 Training Local Crew
24:09 Director – DP Communication
29:11 Set Languages
32:42 Unforeseen Hurdles
34:44 Length of Shoot
35:07 Length of Days
36:37 Working with Non-Actors
38:32 Upside of Inexperience
40:03 What does the future hold?
42:29 The overall positive vibe during filming
43:44 Special Thanks goes to…
50:14 Crew Food?
52:16 Company Moves
54:11 Protests, Tear Gas, and Calls to Prayer
56:35 Post Roll: Size of Crew


3 thoughts on “Filming in Sudan Against All Odds”

  1. @aRuraLChilDVision
    2 days ago
    Great interview. The BTS footage and stills enabled me to properly visualize the conditions described.
    (I had one title that didn't hold it's position in the initial uploaded episode, so I fixed it and wanted to keep the one comment the video had received!)


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