Film Theory: They Missed the Point (Try Guys Drama)

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Theorists, we need to talk about @tryguys situation and by that I mean the mainstream media coverage of it. See, I think the Try Guys handled the situation with professionalism. You know who didn’t? The media making fun of them for being YouTubers. That SNL skit? Not a good look. So, let’s talk about all of it.

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Writers: Matthew Patrick, Stephanie Patrick and Forrest Lee
Editors: Tyler Mascola, Jerika (NekoOnigiri), and Danial “BanditRants” Keristoufi
Sound Editor: Yosi Berman

#TryGuys #TheTryGuys #SNL #SNLTryGuys #Theory #FilmTheory #Matpat


38 thoughts on “Film Theory: They Missed the Point (Try Guys Drama)”

  1. MatPat, your argument with these media companies would benefit significantly from adopting a scout mindset. Check out the book by Julia Galef, or ask ChatGPT for a quick 3 paragraph summary, and you'll understand precisely what I mean! You make excellent arguments, and your logic is infallible, but to affect the industry will take finesse and ~elegance~

    Happy establishment disassembly!

  2. Ok, I’ve been behind on all this, and now finally understand what the whole hoorah is all about. (Thanks, Mat). I’m sure someone else already asked, but what about the woman Ned was flinging with? Did she get let go, too? I mean, he evidently wasn’t in that relationship alone, but I haven’t seen any repercussions for her. Love your vids, Mat & Crew! All these main-streamers are jealous of guys like you, James & Chelsey, Found, & Whistler, as they should be. You do much better work (gotta give Kudos to my men @AriMelber and @ChrisHayes, though). Keep it up and Keep the faith! 😊🎋🐘Roll Tide

  3. One more comment: As a woman, I am so proud of The Try Guys and the way they handled this. They could have kept quiet and pretended to know nothing about the whole thing, but they stepped up and dealt with it. It reminds me of one of my all-time favorite movie lines, “Love is love, but business is business.” (Auntie Vera, from the movie ‘Secret of My Success’).

  4. The sad part is he chose to cheat on his wife and everything like that with the girl who wasn't even the hot one out of the two of them like man that's called taking a dive why the heck would you throw away your family for a girl who's maybe a five out of 10

  5. What the remaining try guys did, to handle the whole situation, earned massive respect from me. The fact that they took something like that so seriously was awesome. And also broke my heart that I was surprised they even did anything about it. Not them specifically, but any media company responding to concerning evidence with an appropriately decisive act

  6. Even if you forget abt the public, i just couldn’t imagine being friends with someone who cheats on their partner. It’s an evil thing to do and if you can stomach doing something like that then you obviously don’t have high enough morals to be around me and i wouldn’t blame them for feeling the same way

  7. The theory videos are actually quite interesting, however, this video is really out of place. I understand that Matt might have something against the mainstream media, however, the examples used in this video were definitely not the best. The way the real history was really irrelevant, of a guy who had an affair and was fired because of that is just baffling to me! They worked for Buzzfeed, those 4 guys have done WAY worst things than cheating. I don’t follow them or like their content, however, I can clearly see that they did this for attention. Is really sad to see this channel defending and using them as reference. I hope this was just a fake video for views.

  8. The SNL skit is designed to rile up people like you. It shows just how little anyone cares. Try Guys is a company and they had to fire an employee for going against their company policy. There's nothing more to it. The funniest thing is that every youtuber out there is trying to stay relevant by talking about someone making whatever choices in his private life and thinking they all have a say in his marriage and future.
    Literally who cares.

  9. It is not a scandal sir to go on a consensual date with an employee when work is over, they also wouldn’t have fired him for just doing that. They fired him because he has a wife and he cheated on her, which is getting involved in his personal life. If they were his business partners, not his friends, they would’ve sat him down, talked to him about what was going on, filled out HR relationship paperwork between the two of them stating the company will not be held responsible for anything before, during or post relationship. Then made sure he was no longer in a position of direct supervision over her. That isnt what happened though, they immediately wanted to buy him out (which is what occurred by the way, he wasn’t fired, he was bought out). It was a quick decision made by a group of guys who were upset. I am not saying they didnt have a right to be, but lets not pretend that they weren’t.


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