Film Study: WHY DID HE FALL? This is what O'Cyrus Torrence brings to the Buffalo Bills

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22 thoughts on “Film Study: WHY DID HE FALL? This is what O'Cyrus Torrence brings to the Buffalo Bills”

  1. Probably because of his bad athletic testing. He was dominant in college using his size and bullying the other guys, but in the NFL with other bullies on the line that can bully him, he could struggle.

  2. we are so fucked if either tackle goes down😭 idk bout ya'll but i ain't rocking with Quisenberry aka dingleberry

    good pick tho just doesn't really fit our identity of athletic linemen but i'm glad we got someone to protect josh

    i consider him the best guard in the draft so a good snag but we need another OT hella bad to compete w Spencer brown and give us that security if one of our guys goes down

  3. He gave up 0 sacks in his college career with 0 penalties called against him.. that's crazy. He fell because teams love versatility with their offensive lineman and Torrence is strictly a guard.

  4. The NFL is rigged… also that was NOT Hamlin that supposedly showed up at the playoff game. No one who went through that amount of cpr which would likely bruise or breaking of ribs would be bouncing around like that. Breaks my heart as I was a huge Bills fan but once you see it, you can't unsee it.

  5. 2nd play was an excellent example of what I saw him do consistently. That intelligence you talked about. He knew where to help or where his help is and then with good timing pickup another guy. This is transferrable to the pro game. Even in the NFL you see many OL struggle with this, often times being a tad late to pick up the second guy coming at them.

  6. I'm glad Buffalo was able to find good value at the 59th pick.
    Especially O line which is what I have been beating on the table for.
    I'm a fan of your channel as you give good analysis of players and the scheme's they fit.

  7. In a game with quick throws and pressure from the interior, guards and center are extremely important. And more important than tackles in the run game. Together with safeties the most underestimated positions in football

  8. This what the true value of Torrence brings to the team : put him at LG, between Dawkins and Morse to develop him quicker and have Bates play RG next to Brown. This would make the current/frequent right side of the O-line the "weakside". If an injury to Morse occurs as it usual seems to happen, move Bates to center and have McGovern come in and play RG.


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