Fighting Temptations With Spiritual Warfare

Whether you believe in it or not, every believer engages in spiritual warfare. Temptation is the enemy’s way of joining forces with sin in an attempt to destroy us. In this episode, we discuss our personal experiences with temptation post-salvation, encounters with God that changed our perspectives on spiritual warfare, and the role of faith in the battle against temptation.

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21 thoughts on “Fighting Temptations With Spiritual Warfare”

  1. Looking up jackies name…. I KNEW there was something to come for . I am very very happy and proud of God, for his blessing through you as vessels. Keep doing the good work. We pray for you that God may grave you to remain faithful. Love you guys and praise God always!

  2. This episode was a little hard for me to grasp and understand. It was a bit advanced for me so I had to constantly pause and play it the next day and take it in doses, I’m still not finished yet, and will definitely have to revisit it in the future. It was a bit overwhelming because I wanted to understand but struggled.

    I recently gave my life to Christ 4 months ago at 27. Like Preston mentioned in the beginning of the episode in his testimony almost everything fell away with ease. I released weed, alcohol, masturbation, secular music (this was necessary because I feel music and meditate on the lyrics) etc… but the one temptation that plagues me on a daily basis is homosexuality. As someone who has lived that life for over 10 years there’s so many elements to it that you’re not even consciously aware of. I stopped pursuing women and started focusing solely on God. But then my mind starts to think of past romantic memories, previous partners pop back up, everywhere you turn there’s an image of homosexuality and it brings forth lustful thoughts and emotions, it’s like you can’t escape it, it’s even in children’s movies.

    I got a little lost when the discussion between those who use faith to guide them and those who set boundaries for themselves.

    The only reason why I don’t partake in homosexuality anymore is out of fear of losing the relationship and possessions that I have with God because I gave my life to him. The minute I turned to God I felt loved and whole, I no longer felt alone which was something I was searching for in women and the world that I could never find. I am so afraid that the minute I go back down that path that I will separate myself for God and be back in darkness. Living without God in my life felt like everything was dark and I always felt dark and now living for him there is light all around me in every waking moment I feel light. If I experience something rough I try to immediately pray/talk to him and feel an instant relief. So I don’t know if I am walking by faith or just setting a boundary that’s keeping me from going back to dating a woman.

    I really appreciate the episode and can see the many layers and constantly revisiting this episode will reveal something different to me each time. That the beauty of God’s Word.


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