"FGO Hot Takes" : Huyan Zhuo

Thumbnail CG with removed Background provided by @All Muscle
Check out his twitter:https://twitter.com/AllMuscle2/status/1582049189349175296?s=20&t=OnYBBnBwmnfC0pWbijYFrA

Images in the video are all from FGO wiki (slight crops and edits made by me):https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Huyan_Zhuo

Clips are from my own channel

0:00 Intro
0:50 Skills and NP
6:50 Final thoughts


25 thoughts on “"FGO Hot Takes" : Huyan Zhuo”

  1. If Huyan Zhuo was ST instead of AoE, she would be a top tier servant for doing solos. Like you said, kinda dumb from Lasagna side, releasing two quick farmers back to back and the previous assassin also being AoE and free NP5. It seems like everything has to loop for LS or something.

    Also, her horse way too loud lol

  2. I know Assasin just got Summer Valks, but i just really prefer Quick servants so im probably gonna user Huyan Zhuo more over them when farming Rider nodes

  3. What's with all the cut-ins lately. For both Gundam archer and her, the forced switch to ascension 3 during the NP is so lame if you like the 1st ascension.

  4. I want to roll in NA when she arrives, but I suppose whether or not I get Skadi Ruler will determine if I do. Assuming I'm still playing around then. Planning that if KoyanLight doesn't come home, I bounce, so…

  5. Looking at her appearance, voice, skills, NP and overall gameplay:
    "Wow, she is a really fun Servant to use!"
    Looking at her skill upgrade requirements and seeing that she needs 44 chains, 30 void dusts and 72 blades per skill:
    "Wow, she is a REALLY NOT FUN Servant to upgrade!"


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