FGO BINY 2024 – Lighting In Gil-Gilgamesh CQ ~Summer Abby Setup~

“Noooooo I’m the one who is supposed to be stunning you!!!” – Tesla probably

Umineko – Dread Of The Grave
Team Fortress 2 – The Art Of War
Blue Archive – Symphony (Theme 158)/Gregorius theme

Thumbnail art:

#fategrandorder #fgo #fgona


1 thought on “FGO BINY 2024 – Lighting In Gil-Gilgamesh CQ ~Summer Abby Setup~”

  1. I kinda just used an Arts Looper for this CQ because I was tired from completing Gigacoil four times over and just don't have the energy to figure out the mechanics.

    Now that I look at it, it definitely looks interesting from all the flavour text going on with the mechanics. Hope they will rerun the event again so I can try and beat it properly in a more fun manner.


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