FFXIV is changing! Part 5 #ffxiv #ff14 #shorts


17 thoughts on “FFXIV is changing! Part 5 #ffxiv #ff14 #shorts”

  1. Lord of the Rings Online just recently added what amounts to a difficulty slider for the game. Makes landscape encounters more deadly and offers a new type of currency on top of extra xp rewards. At the top tiers of difficulty, you would need to have party members to survive.

  2. I dont entirely agree with the first statement. Sometimes, asking the player to rise to a difficulty and meet a challenge makes a more memorable experience, you just cant expect everyone to do it. People play games for different reasons.

  3. Msq dungeons barely have any mechanics you actually are required to learn. You’ll get hit, you might die, hell you might even wipe occasionally. That doesn’t mean something is difficult. It means you didn’t know the mechanic. From there, you either learn the mechanic by simply paying attention, or you’re too lazy.

    Your laziness doesn’t mean something is too difficult, nor does it mean the rest of us should waste our time once you get to the end game, and still don’t know how to handle the basic mechanics those dungeons were supposed to be teaching you for the past 700 hours lol. There’s games designed for afk players if that’s how you want to play. Not everything is meant for everyone. This game happens to actually have content you can’t afk through. It’s not something that needs fixed.

  4. I think the problem with a "ring of ez mode" is that it will have to be unsync only, and wont work with current content as there is no unsync. With the game being multiplayer, you can't have a dungeon where a dps has no ring and a healer with a ring of easy mode, as it cant affect 2 players differently in the same setting, otherwise the balance wont register correctly.

  5. Endwalker was supposed to be my first launch.. but my mom had passed away a few days before early access, ruining the experience for me. So Dawntrail will be my official first launch.

  6. It's fucking ridiculous that people are against making the current level of normal content slightly more challenging. I DON'T WANT TO FALL ASLEEP DOING ROULETTES DAILY GET BETTER AT PRESSING YOUR BUTTONS.

  7. If you can't do it, do not play it, like every other game you don't play for whatever reason, only an idiot sits there playing a game they can't do, moaning about it until its made easier just for them, thats the problem with 14, having an ipo means all they are interested in is profit from subscriptions to increase stock price, the game is going down hill very fast to accommodate people who can't even play the game properly

  8. Adding a difficulty setting is not way a way to set dificulty its a way to set your time, the solution presented as a way to add more challenge is artificial as it only adds more time there are no new patterns created and the solutions presented is not changed you only increase the duration of a battle.

    If your solution is to add more numbers it doesn't affect the player in any way because the awnser is still the same, formations, battle tactics, aproach, and puzzle solving is an important asset to learn if you cannot understand the way to aproach a problem adding more ways to solve it is a much better way then simply ignoring the problem directly.

    Think of it like a shape sorter box if your goal is to put all the shapes in a box but made the shapes smaller then the designated shapes you aren't making the game easier but ignoring it completly but by making the shapes tighter to the point it must be perfectly 90 degrees or it wont fit doesn't add more difficulty because the solution is still the same, that is what difficulty setting is. It adds no challenge so the illusion of wanting that challenging expierence is taken while also removing the challenge needed to solve the problem, its a archaic design that had its uses in the past but currently its not a solution to make a game more difficult just a way to save time.

  9. Need newer mechanics that require my brain. And no, i dont mean savage level mechanics. But every mechanic in casual content is just a variation of another mechanic that's been used for years. Heavensward and shadowbringers alliance raids have a few here and there that make it challenging, but theres not enough bosses like that overall. Better boss mechanics will do wonders.

  10. Considering that seemingly half of the playerbase already can't handle the current content, I don't think the answer is "Make everything harder but give them a choice to make it easier" because they'll still just be playing current level content that they can't handle anyway


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