Fentanyl overdose survivor shares her story | Nightline

With thousands of lives cut short by tainted drugs, Sofia Christoff said she considers herself one of the lucky ones. However, she still bears the weight of her brush with death.


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46 thoughts on “Fentanyl overdose survivor shares her story | Nightline”

  1. I don't understand why as a manufacturer or distributor within the supply chain, why you'd cut your drugs with something that is killing your customers. Obviously they don't care, and the cost reductions of fentanyl probably outweighs the loss of life in terms of profit, but I still don't get it.

  2. She OD cuz she's not a full fledge addict , if u don't currently don't have a heroin addiction or fetti addiction DO NOT DO FENTANYL, CUZ U WILL OD N DIE , like there's a very high risk/chance of death

  3. It's very simple don't do drugs. When it was crack and heroin nobody had any sympathy now the suburban kids are overdosing off Fenty pills left and right and people seem to care.

  4. It enrages me that drug dealers sell this knowing it will probably kill someone. But they don't care. The money must be really good. I hope they are exposed, caught, and thrown in the slammer for life.

  5. I've gotten Narcaned twice. I was on heroin for about four years but in the past three years, fentanyl has taken over the market. Most dealers do not carry black tar anymore they sell Fetty. So eventually I had to switch and that's when the real nightmare began the withdrawals are worse and since it is so much stronger it's impossible to cut it or mix it correctly. Absolutely the drug of the devil.

  6. It teally bothers me that the daughter thinks she was saved for a greater purpose rather than acknowledging she JUST has a loving father who was able to check up on her at the time that he did.

  7. Dude a sophomore in high school. That's just so sad I hate it. I was lucky enough to go 24 years of my life not experiencing with any drugs besides weed. Then I get hurt and a doctor hands me 120 Percocet 10 mg's and ever since the bottle ran out I can't stop. I was buying perc 10's and popping them for 2 maybe 3 years straight before my friend told me to snort it. I wish I never listened because ever since that day my life has been ruined. Fetnyal didn't come into my life until 2019. I had no idea fake pills was even a thing. I moved to North Carolina in 2017 to get away from the pills and I was good for two years until a coworker made one comment. I battled it for weeks and weeks before I finally cracked and asked him for some. The first pill I took I threw up within seconds of snorting this blue m box 30's. Funny up north in jersey we called them Roxy's but in North Carolina it's all fake pills. Nothing is real all fake with fetnyal. I had no idea what I just bought wasn't real. I didn't even know people made fake pills. Ever since then it has been 4 years now and I am still hooked on these damn fetynal pills. These stupid little Mboxes and the fetynal is 1,00000 times harder to quit then just regular heroin or pain killers. Addiction is such a sad life and the pain and hurt I cause my family is unbearable. I've lost everything because of this stupid drug

  8. The worst part is the government is in on all this. This "war" the cop wants to call it is just the pharmaceutical companies. It's such a joke. These doctors don't care they only see money and give kids adderall and Xanax at such a young age is sad. If I take half a Xanax at 30 years old I black out. How the hell we give these to children is a fucking joke. Just creating addicts such bukkshit

  9. A year ago I was with a friend and found some meth we started doing lines like it was coke and I almost overdosed that same day now my heart beats so fast and it ruined my life I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack everyday I’m only 16 don’t do drugs 👍🏻

  10. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

  11. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
    💀 BAD FOR YOU ! ! ! 💀

  12. China wants to erode and weaken America and Fentanyl is a great way to do it. So many people have extremely self destructive attitudes and don't seem to care if they live or die…

  13. Sofia asked, "Why me?" well, young lady, why NOT you? Welcome to the human race….I am glad you survived your brush with death. My niece was an addict for some time, and is now a vibrant, healthy young woman in recovery. It can be done. You made a mistake, and very nearly died. But this experience can be what you make it. Make it count for something, and let others hear your story. And learn from it. As you did. Cheers from New Orleans.


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