“Female Empowerment” Is Making Men Go Overseas For Traditional Women, Dating And Marriage

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41 thoughts on ““Female Empowerment” Is Making Men Go Overseas For Traditional Women, Dating And Marriage”

  1. Only sexist and backward men go to uncivilized countries to exploit and take advantage of guillible women who have internalized misogyny. You are from the most civilized part of the world

  2. Which would people prefer? A house with damaged walls, graffiti and obscene protrusions or a house with clean walls, stable structure and an inviting presence?
    I know which I would pick – the only one that would stand the test of time.

  3. Is anyone still interested in dating? Before the pandemic, Fridays and Saturdays used to mean something, you’d see groups of friends and couples out having a good time. Does that still happen anymore?

  4. Nothing can fix this problem now. Even if the while world came together to solve this it would fail. All men including incels from this gen have extreme PTSD. Its mouse utopia endgame. the pyche is totally damaged beyond repair. From red to black to pink to dead pill….

  5. Just so all of you understand. While women are complaining about stuff that don't exist like pey inequality and not being allowed leadership positions. I want all of you men to understand that the majority of office jobs will have a woman as your boss. It will definitely have a woman over hr. For larger companies, it's gonna be hr being a substantial influence over hiring. These women will always choose a female over a man. Women are not these fair creatures. Women are very selective and hive minded. I wish I knew this before I got a degree. I would have looked for a career that predominantly men and more infrastructure related like trucking. Something women are gonna stay away from. It's so hard for me to get jobs, and even harder to get paid what I'm worth. These women punish me by paying me crap just because I am a guy. But they will pay top dollar for a useless drone that have titties.

  6. I am an F boy, from Ukraine, Living in Spain, had lived in different places.
    Guess what?!
    Every woman, is a 304. not a joke.
    Body counts are higher than you could possible believe.
    at 20, at least 50, and i am right now living in a little town of 5k people (where most are old and brainless).
    Do you understand?!
    Also, in Ukraine, they are similar, stop believing lies.
    If her body count is not a 0, DO NOT SETTLE, DO not have a relationship, Do not i repeat, do not fall in love, and wear protection!.

    Advice from an F boy, who pumps and dumps, and i will never settle for sure.
    I love woman, specially giving them exactly what they deserve, a good PIPE, Bedroom fun expertise, then?
    i leave.

  7. I know people who are managers, and they WILL NOT meet with female workers or interview female workers without at least a second person there, the door open, and always audio recorded. Don’t agree to those things? No meeting. I’ve even seen articles by female business owners who refuse to employ women in their workplaces, full stop.

  8. Nothing is going to change we can all stare on our phones our computers and things will never change this country is going into a bottomless pit and can't dig itself out nothing is going to get better but to only get worse we have women in the workforce we have women sex workers more than teachers and nurse's we don't have men anymore just simps what happened to America lost cause.

  9. I went overseas to Poland, brought my wife back to the states to meet the family, 3 months after marriage with an 8 year relationship she had an affair…she looked for greener grass. It's not always true with the eastern women….im destroyed still..

  10. I need your opinion. I'm 64. I was grocery shopping with my 88yr old mom. Just having a good time with her when a not unattractive (I'd say 50ish) woman paid me a compliment about my shirt. It's been so long since a female I don't know paid attention to me that I can't decide if she was hitting on me. What say you?

  11. 2023 men "my son dont put your self in compromising situations I understand sometimes you cant help yourself sometimes with women but learn to control yourself and keep away from hiring women you find attractive its safer that way" … 2040 attractive women "why is no one hiring us"

  12. the thing thats funny to me is unemployable women end up being prostitutes anyway loool since Egypt the pattern has always existed unemployed women become Seggs workers to some capacity e.g I want gucci bags but I dont wanna do labour.. do only fans , I want a house but I dont want a man ends up a miserable part of a company doing onlyfans on the side , I want a baby and baby provided finicial support but I dont want to work ends up some idiots baby mom

  13. Meh. Fact: 99% of you for many reasons won’t or can’t passport bro. Even if you do the odds of you 1. Finding a real unicorn and 2. Adjusting to a radically different environment are slim.

    Furthermore, nomading aka living like a broke dick bum won’t help with 1 and 2.

    Furthermore, Fact: you will never be able to generate (based upon your age) the 10-20-30 years of long term income necessary. That doesn’t include the inability to save for actual retirement.

    So shelve the passport bro “porn” fantasy. You’re not going overseas and living happily ever after, that’s a myth pushed in the red pill space.

    I speak from experience. Meaning I AM a successful and financially set already retired man when I expatriated.

    I’ve seen in my travels in Southeast Asia Minor chunks of foolish passport bro’s walking around lonely and disillusioned, living like chumps, but claiming they’re living the dream.

  14. Best I post this reply to someone in comments as well: You hear literally every (whatever age) incel turd talking about the Philippines as a passport bro “porn” fantasy dream.
    Mostly because it’s one of very very few countries in SEA that lets any low rent broke dick turd stay in a long term tourist visa.

    Very few Chads and Tyrones PB, why would they? They’re getting all the Western Poo Poo, it’s only desperate lonely tools who attempt creating a fantasy and then failing at it.
    The same percentage, 1%, are decent looking mature exceptional men that succeed as an expatriate.

    Most vlogs you see are douche bag nitwits hanging around red light districts mongering or hanging out with other deadbeat losers.

    You never see wealthy done good, got it right expatriates vlogging. It’s always obviously a bunch of low rent turds.

    The Philippines in regard to housing is absolute dog crap. It’s a dung hole. And indeed, the Filipinas have been strongly influenced by TikTok and social media. They’re onto the game now and becoming 12’s, not 304’s, that’s for the West, but they’re playing these simp suckers big time in that they have 3-4 going at one time “financing” them.

    And they’ll grab a grandpa, have him paying for everything and banging a local on the side.

    This BS about going out into the rural villages is also nonsense. Bringing them into Manilla or Cebu is the same as bringing them back to the U.S. or Europe. And these Filipinas are now divorcing rapidly after the house and bank have been obtained.

    This passport bro BS is slowly but surely becoming exposed.

    Dropping everything and leaving for the unknown overseas into a vastly different (and very limited culture) particularly when finances (for life) are not set or not 100% and not guaranteed long term is simply stupid. You have no idea how many difficulties and challenges you will face.

    (Why do you think Bo went to Eastern Europe next door to “Auntie and Uncle?”) I seriously doubt he could hack it inside a radically different culture

    For every successful expatriate, like myself (Vietnam, retired, wealth locked up, young unicorn communist conservative wife, land and a home, a normal fruitful beautiful life), there are 999,999 fails.
    Guys who have zero social skills let alone within a foreign speaking culture, this includes boomers. Not just in hooking up a girlfriend or bride, but friends and a social life.
    If I vlogged I could show you 100 low rent turds sitting in bars or cafes or in the beach completely alone and disalusioned.

    Why you see so many dickweeds hanging out in western expat bars and places socializing with a bunch of degenerate losers like themselves…

    Hence again…..that shlt hole of the Philippines as the country of choice. Here in Vietnam these nitwits can’t even approach a female, there’s an entirely vastly different cultural operation than some desperate low I.Q. Unskilled Thai or Filipina who drops panties for any swinging dick.
    You don’t want that, they have the maturity and mentality of a child and get real annoying after a while. Then there’s the whole family culture aka obligation.

    Same goes for most of Southeast Asia. The one exception? The dung hole of the “English speaking” Philippines. Where a now emerging growing class of Filipina 304’s is happening quickly.

    My wife doesn’t even like her family. Aside from about over the last several years a $125 a month stipend to the parents, my wife won’t even let me up the amount. Says the more you give the more they’ll expect.
    So we give them enough that in their simplified life they don’t have to worry. They operate a small market store out of the front of the house.

    My Vietnamese wife has few friends and trusts few Vietnamese. She’s 100% dedicated to me. She’s ultra conservative like myself and she’s sharp and savvy. Strong and amazing. And that’s needed because the Vietnamese culture is a maze of unpredictability which is why idiot passport bro’s, the few who try here, fail very badly.

    How’d I succeed? Well I’m exceptional and intelligent, experienced, worldly and mature. Met and b friended a young local exceptional family man. Asked him to find me someone to hang out with.

    Culturally he thought I meant wife because they don’t do casual relationships here. Introduced me to my at the time 32 year old virgin unicorn wife – zero body count, never had a boyfriend. And super hot. Couldn’t stand Vietnamese men, and so I was at the right place at the right time. Couldn’t speak a lick of English but taught herself in six months and is now fluent, not in typical broken Asian English, she speaks it like I do.

    I was here on the old pre-Covid 1 year American tourist visa which doesn’t exist anymore. Had time to learn a bit of the language and how things worked so I could screen my now awesome wife of over 4 years.

    Meh…..it’s not rocket science, the Bottom line, passport bro fantasy is total BS. Only 1% of men succeed long term.

    My advice. Suck it up buttercups and live in reality not passport bro fantasy. Quit falling for this red pill YouTube hoodwink of passports, these vloggers only do it for subs and views.

    If you have finances locked up, retired, still decent looking and in good physical condition and not a loser jackass and mature enough to handle a completely different culture and way of life – go for it.

    Otherwise stay the F home, don’t bring your sorry arse out here making a fool out of yourself and eventually failing. I for one don’t need to see it.

  15. And BS. Nomads are usually the aforementioned incels marinated in Red Bull. I’ll certainly keep talking about the near impossibility of financing oneself overseas long term if you’re not retired and already financial set/guaranteed.
    A 30 or 40 year old ain’t gonna finance themselves for 30-40 years let alone put bank aside for retirement.
    So in this regard F you Bo, that’s nothing but total BS. There does NOT exist ANY long term employment options overseas except some very very rare exceptions like corporate or embassy appointments and things of this nature.
    You’re a YouTube vlogger living next door to Auntie and Uncle, no companionship, no trad wife, no job, you’re about as far from an authority on the subject of expatriation as it gets.
    Told you stop talking about something you know nothing about. You have zero credibility when it comes to successful expat living

  16. That YouTuber female HAS been married and her phrasing is based on thousands of hours of interviews. Yes, quite a radical thought, but based partly on the premise of males having to register for the draft while women commit to nothing but their own self interests. You'll have to do better than that. I will agree that the overall tone has been ramping up because the women are getting very angry that they are losing access to the male wallet.

  17. Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.

  18. Serbian living in England here. Great video, bro. I just wanna add that our women (Eastern European, Balkan) who live and have grown up in the West are also broken. I've dated a whole of Ex-Yugoslavia here and I've personal experience in this. Mind you, they're still better than Western women due to some influence from the Eastern culture. Bro, I appreciate what you do. You keep it real.

  19. “The Pence Rule” is a practice he adopted from Evagelical Christian circles. (Not a fan of Pence otherwise.) Men (especially men in authority) are discouraged from forming close relationships with any women besides their wife and family members. They are also discouraged from ever being alone with another woman outside this designation to avoid sexual temptation, fornication, adultery and false accusations. Its super effective and super logical.

    Example: My wife cannot see a pastor, elder etc alone. She will be seen by a female counsellor. If he meets with her, it will be in the company of me and his wife together. When Churches fail to implement these obvious standards they often fall into scandal.

    Think about it…a powerful man alone helping a vulnerable woman sharing personal matters. What would you expect?

    These are the sort of sound principles for living that the left viciously attacks. They love disfunction and brokenness.


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