Fed Up Catholics Issue Open Letter To Cardinal Burke

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35 thoughts on “Fed Up Catholics Issue Open Letter To Cardinal Burke”

  1. Catholic’s big problem Follow Jesus’s your personal Savior for your Salvation (Saved from Hell) and read your Bible and be lead by the Holy Spirit.
    Here is the problem….you are worshipping an Idol in a mere man you call a Pope.
    Please answer if you please, “ where in Holy Scripture can you find Pope?” ……..don’t waste your time you won’t find it! It’s not in the Bible. This church has made up so many rules and laws that would make a Pharisee look like Jesus himself.

  2. Here in Italy many priests and consecrated people do not speak up the truth because they are afraid of losing their wage. Sometimes they do it on the backstage, but never on the stage. The very few who spoke openly were excommunicated or removed. On the other hand, if they were all speaking out , they would be the majority and Bergoglio would be put on the spot.

  3. I don't understand why we are currently criticizing Cardinal Burke. He was out there condemning the scandalous "couples" document, before the document came out. He got demoted years ago for daring to criticize the pope.' Then have we forgotten that the pope took away his pension, we are told?

  4. What a chess game. Maybe the pre-Bergoglio bishops and cardinals can convene a public trial, showing evidence that the conclave to elect a pope was invalid since they broke all the rules set down by the previous pope (who probably knew full well what this anti-church group was up to). Then the group of pre Bergoglio bishops and cardinals can elect a new pope. Then it would lead to a battle between the legally elected new pope and the Bergoglio group. If they act individually, they will be deposed like wonderful Bishop Strickland. So the strong bishops who group together, like the wonderful African bishops and cardinals, can work en masse and together, to have a public trial. If Bergoglio tries to dump them all, they can simply side step, ignore his invalid mandates, and elect a new valid pope. Alone, they are weak, so they have to work quietly together. Maybe retired Cardinal Sarah and Cardinal Zen can lead the charge!! And Cardinal Burke, being a legal expert, and already removed. St. Michael the Archangel…I know he will not be defeated and I feel sorry for the Bergoglio group, who do not seem to have any true faith, and are simply power grabbers for the globalists. That is a very sad place to be, to not know that there is actually a heaven, and there is a Jesus who died for us. If only they would repent and be whistleblowers, and get on the winning team. Lord have mercy. I wonder what the Orthodox Patriarchs and bishops are saying…maybe they will come to the rescue, because Bergoglio's group cannot harm them. An amazing battle going on! Mary even predicted it, so I find comfort that Heaven knows exactly who is up to what! Lord have mercy on us all. The humble Rosary seems to be our weapon, and it has won many battles throughout history. We are starting a Rosary sodality at our local Church, dedicated to Jesus and Mary. Trying to do our part!

  5. See lots of reasons for silence – Many Cardinals & Bishops agree with Bergoglio, more than likely many are compromised in one way or another or they love their life style, why chance losing it…

  6. God bless whoever wrote this! This is exactly right. Cardinal Burke, we need you to do something! Call for an imperfect council and/or an investigation of Bergoglio's "papacy." NOW is the time!

  7. You don’t want to really know what I think about this letter,but here goes nothing:
    If these folks truly had faith that the office of a cardinal has a special ordaining of graces by God, then carefully and prayerfully address His Excellency according to his office. It has nothing to do with the merit of the reason for the letter, but everything, what we say and how we say something all must come from the fruit of prayer and charity. Otherwise, these folks commit the same sins for which they make accusation. Stay faithful to your state, men, not as imbued with a wordy worldly spirit, but with the same Spirit of God for whom you wish his servant should abide.

    Second irony: His Excellency Cardinal Burke is not the bastion of defense of tradition and faith. Had either been the case, he would not have declared that the Novus Ordo was of “equal dignity” —- albeit, based on Protestantism by Protestants and Freemasons, to the traditional Latin Mass of Holy Mother Church.

    Address all the cardinals but do so after much prayer and fasting.

    Cardinal Burke was marginalized even after he toted the line in many respects. Now he is in an even more diminished position among his fellow cardinals and bishops.

  8. Mr. Stine, You are making a common grammatical error. "It begs the question" is not synonymous with "it raises the question." Actually it means something entirely different. To beg the question is to commence an argument by asserting that a proposition is true before it has been demonstrated as such.

  9. Cardinal Burke was rebuked by the false Catholic Bergoglio. Burke cries after Bergoglio pushes him. Now Cardinal Burke is mute or will lose his retirement.
    Now Burke is afraid to make any comment like most cowards and the betrayal of Jesus continues by these cowards. The only brave man with pants is Carlos Maria Vigano.

  10. The name I have given to Cardinal Burke is unfortunately a perfect fit Mr chicken -out ….Burkeout….. How am I to honour the weak?…………..U help them but, nothing is mentioned about honouring them!

  11. I hope that the conclave that elected Francis is found to be compromised but I’m not holding my breath. I always thought that there was something off with this pope even before his heretical statements so I always had a hunch that there was something wrong with the conclave.

  12. An interesting point to consider… if Pope Francis is declared as an invalidly elected Pontiff, that would then mean that all… ALL documents, pronouncements, and appointments would also be declared as invalid. That would mean that ALL Bishops that he appointed to the College of Cardinals would no longer be considered Cardinals, and therefore would NOT be allowed to vote in the next conclave to elect the replacement Pontiff. Since only Cardinals who are under the age of 80 are allowed to vote in the Conclave, as of this moment there are only 35 Cardinals left who have the ability to vote to elect the next Pontiff. And that number drops as the days go by (via either the reaching of the 80th birthday or via death). Cardinal Oulette (appointed by JPII) turns 80 in June. Cardinal Baselios (appointed by BXVI) is the youngest of the non-Francis appointed Cardinals, who will turn 64 in May.

  13. Good Bishops? Good Cardinals? How many do such men number in today's "Church?" Perhaps a dozen? Vatican II literally emasculated the Catholic Church. The majority of clerics – if not outright hs, pederasts or pedophiles – are effeminate cowards, because that is what the post-Vatican II seminaries recruited. And how many of those in the College of Cardinals are Freemasons? How many Bishops? I'll wager the number is greater than you would like to believe. In fact, I'll bet it is a majority. The Church has effectively been overthrown – and there are no "men" remaining. What we have for a heirarchy are ball-less eunuchs who care more about the size of their pensions than they do about the destiny of their eternal souls.

  14. Pope Francis is NOT Jesus, he is responsible for serving Jesus and being a good Shepard. What is sad is that many are luke warm Christians, and just believe everything they are fed. As a recently returned Catholic, I have made the effort to read and understand the Bible. Unfortunately where I attend Mass, the homily is given very little effort, and I don't walk away with a clear message, so I went looking for more and found some excellent priests online and listen to them daily. I try to relay the message to family and friends, but none appear interested, and have their own assumptions without knowing God's word. Many Christians are lost souls, and I was one of them not so long ago. Let's hope that through prayer more souls can be saved.

  15. We call upon the holy cardinals and eminences Zen from Asia, Sahrah from Africa, Burke from America, Müller from Europe, also in the name of Blessed Cardinal Penn from Australia, who represent the entire Christian world, escorted by an honorary company of Swiss Guards, to appear before this Antichrist and inform him of his deposition. Afterwards, the Vatican must be cleansed by exorcists and the Basilica of St. Peter re-consecrated in a solemn Latin High Mass

  16. It appears many of these bishops and cardinals are hirelings and not true Sheppards for they are afraid of losing their wages. What about their souls? We need to pray that these bishops and cardinals will have the courage to do something to protect and defend Holy Mother Church.


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