Fate and Destiny | The Symphony | In Nomine | Eviliv3

Let’s take a closer look at the concepts of predestination through Fate and Destiny in the tabletop role-playing game In Nomine. In Nomine is a role-playing game designed by Derek Pearcy and published in 1997 by @stevejacksongames. You can learn more on the official website here: http://www.sjgames.com/innomine/ or the Wikipedia page here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Nomine_(role-playing_game). You can buy In Nomine products here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/12199/Steve-Jackson-Games/subcategory/28908_30775/In-Nomine?affiliate_id=50797
In Nomine Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiSc08JpD5blTQ8ngs8aYjMDPvHoNSism

Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro
2:09 Destiny
3:14 Fate
4:25 Human Choice
6:36 Celestials & Interference
8:08 Outro

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Buy In Nomine game: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/12199/Steve-Jackson-Games/subcategory/28908_30775/In-Nomine?affiliate_id=50797
In Nomine on reverendcampbell.com: https://reverendcampbell.com/category/evilive/in-nomine/
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About In Nomine

Written by Derek Pearcy + Illustrated by Dan Smith
Edited by Jeff Koke, Steve Jackson, and Susan Pinsonneault
Cover art by John Zeleznik (first printing) and Christopher Shy (second printing)

In Nomine is a modern roleplaying game in which the players take the part of celestial beings – angels and demons – as they struggle for control of humanity and themselves. The celestials, powerful though they may be, are merely pawns in a much larger game being played by their Superiors, the Archangels and Demon Princes. Based on the best-selling French RPG by the wonderfully diabolical Croc!

In Nomine won the Origins Award for Best Graphic Presentation of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or Supplement of 1997.

Every mortal has both a fate and a destiny.
Welcome to Eviliv3, the live media commentary show that answers the question, do humans have free will? Subscribe if you’re new to the channel, because today we are continuing our In Nomine series with this episode, Fate and Destiny.
It’s always a difficult concept to wrap our mortal minds around, predestination. Seeing as this table-top roleplaying game is based on the war between angels and demons on earth, it’s no wonder that the game concepts lean a little Abrahamic in their explanations. This is not meant to be instructional as it’s just a game rather than a religious platform. You are free to ignore, alter or expand upon the concepts per your particular tastes.

But concepts like Predestination are distinctly Abrahamic as are angels and demons, so let’s continue down that path for just a moment to help shine some light on Fate and Destiny through Predestination. Oxford Languages defines it as: the divine foreordaining of all that will happen, especially with regard to the salvation of some and not others. It has been particularly associated with the teachings of St. Augustine of Hippo and of Calvin. In the game of In Nomine this concept is alive and well, as some Angelic Choirs and Demonic Bands hold resonance in guiding Humans to their fate or destiny, or altering them from it! Angels try to lead humans to their destinies because that’s what they’re here for. Demons try to lead humans to their fates because more damned souls means more Essence for Hell, less for Heaven, and more validation that Lucifer was right.

So it should be no surprise that every mortal would have a fate and destiny. And while some definitions intermix the two, they are quite separate in In Nomine. In canonical In Nomine, a human’s destiny and fate determine whether he achieves Heaven or Hell when he dies. Let’s dive in and see how one’s fate and destiny are personified so as to be aided or hindered by celestial characters.
What is Destiny? Oxford Languages defines it as: the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future. In game terms, a person’s destiny is the brightest goal they can hope to accomplish. This not only makes the mortal shine, it actually affects the Symphony on a scale few angels will ever attain! Now, it is a very rare moment when a human rises to the challenge of a great destiny, but what they do, the forces of good rejoice! Some destinies are great and glorious – to overthrow a dictatorship, discover the cure for a disease that afflicts millions, even to save the world. Some are humble and seemingly insignificant in the greater scheme of things – to give comfort to a prisoner, to teach someone how to dance, or to die with dignity.

The Archangel Yves and some of his servants can actually see human destinies. They are aware of the finest things hidden in every soul, and may foretell the best that can happen and how to bring that destiny about…


2 thoughts on “Fate and Destiny | The Symphony | In Nomine | Eviliv3”

  1. Very cool. I like the concept of two possible predetermined paths for a human with free will to choose between them, or the possibility that they may not reach other outcome. Very thought-provoking. I can see why this RPG won an award.


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