Fast checkout with Scan and Pay at Lotud

Scan the barcodes on the items that you wish to purchase. This lets you see the price of the items, which will then be added to your virtual bill if you decide to purchase them. Once you’re ready to pay, tap on “Finish Shopping” to generate a barcode. Scan the barcode at the self-checkout or cashier counters, and pay.

Lotus’s (formerly Lotus Supercenter, Tesco Lotus Supercenter and Tesco Lotus) is a retail chain in Thailand operated by Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group, with operations in Malaysia through acquisition of Tesco operations in Malaysia since 2020. Tesco Lotus started from the Lotus Supercenter chain started in 1994 by the Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group with the first store opening in Seacon Square. In 1998, British supermarket chain Tesco took a stake to create “Tesco Lotus”. CP Group sold most of its shares in Tesco Lotus in 2003.

As of December 2019, Tesco Lotus had 1,967 stores in Thailand under the Tesco Lotus brand: 1,600 Tesco Lotus Express stores and about 400 other stores in hypermarket, Talad, and department store formats. Two hypermarkets opened in 2019, two more are being constructed, and 50 Tesco Lotus Express stores will open in the second-half of 2019.

On 9 March 2020, Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group submitted the winning bid to purchase Tesco Lotus and Malaysian Tesco operations, for about US$10 billion. The purchase needs the approval of Thailand’s Office of Trade Competition Commission (OTCC) as the new company could constitute a monopoly, given that CP already owns 7-Eleven convenience stores and the Makro cash-and-carry business. The sale became approved in Malaysia in November 2020[8] and in Thailand in December 2020, with rebranding of the acquired stores begun in February 2021 which drops Tesco wording from the brand to become Lotus’s. Currently there are 64 Lotus’s stores in Malaysia.

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30 thoughts on “Fast checkout with Scan and Pay at Lotud”

  1. Budak² zaman sekarang memang tak kenal apa itu adab dan intonasi ke? Boleh je sebut dengan lembut "maaflah…ini bukan kad saya, saya tak tahu cik".
    Jauh beza maksud dengan sebutan "bukan kad saya, saya tak tahu. Kalau kad saya, saya tahu lah." Yang ni terserlah kebiadaban dari segi intonasinya. Ingat sikit, kita bercakap bukan dengan kawan² yang kita kenal hati budi dan bertahun lamanya. Cuba belajar kekalkan "identiti melayu" yang penuh dengan kelembutan dan kesopanan.

  2. Kad akk saya pun prnh tercicir lpstu time nk gerak kedai tu dia ada perasan nk byr brg pstu kad nya tkde and alhamdulillah dia pergi ke bank untuk block kad tersebut dan tukar Password. Dan juga korg klau terjumpa kad tercicir Make Sure bagi kad tu dkt org tu blik atau pun ko bgi dkt bank sng. Klau ko guna kad org pstu guna byr brg ko mcm tu je Itu dh kira duit haram and tk halal so jgn buat mcm tu la tk baik sian org tu dh hard worked pstu hasil titik peluh dia dpt gaji pstu korg guna tk baik cmtu dosa so pape bgi kt org tu balik atau pun bgi dkt bank nnti dirog akn check sbb mmg dh ada dlm sistem

  3. Nak bayar pun n videokan..apa kejadahla org zaman skrg..dah la contest yg mngelirukan org..sbb kakak yg bodohni para nitizen boleh dpt dosa free.sbb react yg negatif..ingt cik kak ..walau lakonan tp ko fikirlah.


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