Farmer PROTEST takes over Germany and it's HUGE!

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48 thoughts on “Farmer PROTEST takes over Germany and it's HUGE!”

  1. I 'Google translated' some of messages on the trucks. I would not claim Google translate is the most accurate but 'you will get the idea'…….
    We are here we are loud because you are stealing our future
    Red Green Yellow the murderers of the state (I don't know what the red green yellow is referring to.)
    Save Germany new elections
    Who know the way truth goes – he doesn’t stumble
    Mister Scholz you know it not
    Greed eats brain and you are greedily insatiable
    Make green and red germany beautiful
    The traffic lights (ampel) have to go
    If the traffic light (ampel) fails, the right goes for the left
    The traffic light (ampel) betrays Germany and the people
    There were a few with the German word 'Ampel' which means traffic light. However noted that its use has become more complicated in the last year or so. That's due to Germany's shifting political landscape.

  2. It's basically all about the betrayal of the government of Germany toward its people. It's more than just about the diesel tax. It's that govt is giving all money toward all countries in the world, (Peru is getting billions for cycle paths throughout the country to name but one) while half of farms had to close down for lack of money and now being mocked by government govt. Enough is enough. Many others are joining the protest from all trades and walks of life. Germany is in shambles as migration is crippling the governmental coffers, but the people still have to fork out. They're having enough of their daughters being raped by illegal migrants.

  3. The Ampel (meaning our government) is betraying Germany and the people.

    "Ampel" is a formation of red, green and yellow politicians. A coalition of gangsters, idiots and morons who do an incredible amount of things that the citizens REALLY DON'T want…Next truck: We are the people!
    Third truck: We are here, we are loud, because you are stealing our future!
    Fourth: Ideology doesn't fill you up!(doesn't fill your stomach)
    First the trucking companies, then the farmers and next the citizens…
    5: The traffic lights (see above) must go! – Shortage of skilled workers? Yes, in our government!
    6 Truck: We drive shit – you are shit! (The government)
    7: Germany has woken up!!!

    10:44 WE ARE FED UP!!!
    Schnauze is slang for mouth and means: WE'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!!

  4. If the Great Reset is going to be realized the politicians cannot listen. So now they will have to do things to stop this like forbiddig AfD etc. Unfortunately I really doubt the politicians can be stopped with peaceful protests. They can just refuse to listen to the people because people keep voting for them anyway.
    So, I guess these peaceful protests will accomplish as much as the protests did in Canada: Nothing.

  5. 04:17 The first sentence is referring to a former Italian coach of FC Bayern Munich around 1989. His German wasn't very eloquent and he coined the phrase "Ich habe fertig!" to say that he was done after an enraged speech about the very bad performance of the team during a game. All in front of the media. The whole speech was hilarious and probably would have gone viral in Germany if Internet would have been around already.

    Here it says "This Ampel is done! We demand new elections!

  6. Strategy is: make being a farmer so difficult the farmer goes out of business, and eventually so many farmers are going out of business, they have to sell their land at cheaper and cheaper prices, then the super rich start buying the land at super low prices, the super rich will wait until almost all farmers are broke or replaced, then the 2nd phase will start: food prices will start to starve the masses and the landlords will be in control of Govts … This will continue until a violent revolution (just like in the past) occurs then once again, Europe will have to begin again. This tactic is well under way in the USA – FDA controls just about all farming. Not long for USA begin stage 2.
    The you-know-who are looking for new lands. Europe, you're the target. It looks like western colonialism is coming home. The stronger BRICS gets, the weaker Europe will be. So soon some EU countries will split and join BRICS.
    How to stop the "stupid greed and destruction" cycle, the govt/people own/control about 25+% of the farmable land.
    That is why communism is so powerful – it supports the people. Look at China, look at Russia, are they falling?
    Or look at capitalism: USA, Canada, … excellent places to grow homelessness, poverty, poor education, mental illness, …
    And what does a failing capitalist nation do? Easy, find distractions: War, Sanctions, Political madness…

    And those two silly Scandinavian countries are getting in to EU – such a short sighted mistake. Next year they'll be trying to escape. but good of them to help in the coming upheavals.
    Just a bunch of my opinions, so need to worry. I am not an educated person. No need to worry.

  7. Meanwhile the supposed elites fly all over the world in the most polluting aircraft, then have the gas powered heaviest armored vehicles, with thier Armed bodyguards, telling how the People need to reduce their Emissions????

  8. story
    About a young son
    That went crazy
    Watching his dad work with hitler
    His dad dies when he was younger so he wanted to make daddy happy
    By fu filling his dads destiny
    Destroying the world
    Daddy didn’t care klaus
    Suck it up
    Daddy didn’t care because he went to meet meet Satan when he died
    But klause sucked on his thumb everyday
    Because his legacy was ended with lucipher
    So his dying wish was to destroy the world before he died
    An old man that has many
    Medical issues and soon going to die wants to leave the planet in destruction
    So he gathered all the elites and brainwashed them just like hitler did
    He joined Satan and
    His dad

  9. The translation of "Die Ampel verrät Deutschland und das Volk": "The traffic lights betray Germany and the people". "Traffic light". because the current coalition is SPD (red, social democrats party), FDP (yellow, free democrats), und Bündnis 90 die Grünen (green, "the green party", sometimes called the green Khmeer these days). Energy prizes goo straight trough the roof because of their politic. Another big point are the new heating laws. Starting from first January, installing new oil and gas heating is forbidden, and can lead up to a fine of 50000€. All heating must now be mostly renewable, the government clearly prefer headpumps (at a electricity price around 0.40€, I think that's 0.59 Canadian dollars).

  10. Die Ampel verrät Deutschland means Ampel, stands for The Trafic light, green, stands for the Green Party, yellow, stands for the German FDP Party, and Red, stands for the SPD Party further they say that those party’s betray the country. Hope I could explaine it.

  11. Protests never solve anything. The government just says " ok we will do as you want" then the protesters stop and go home… then the Government goes ahead and enacts their original plans but words them differently. They manufacture consent one way or another. Theres only 1 type of protest that yields any results… and it isn't peaceful.


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