Farage | Thursday 11th August

Nigel Farage doesn’t hold back in his GB News prime-time show. Hear his views and give your own in an action-packed hour of discussion and debate.

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27 thoughts on “Farage | Thursday 11th August”

  1. The energy cost crisis is simply the end result of inconpetent government policy over many years. I mean Wind turbines! … They are a total joke. Pure PR and nothing more. Energy conedy! They cost 22 times the build cost of a gas power station per GWh output. Its economic insanity.

  2. WHAT strength of character that para – howmany of the snowflakes would/could do what he did and come out like this. He is a credit to the army and to Britain. Enjoy your retirement if thats possible.

  3. IN my opinion nigel as to come back to frontline politics, because if he doesn't, then we will get the same, we've to remember, that the tories and Labour are just the same, but different colours, who ever is the next tory pm truss or sunak better get a grip, otherwise people who can't feed their families, will no doubt take drastic measures, there could be anarchy on the street's, and the police already over stretched will not be able to cope, it doesn't bear thinking about come winter

  4. Nigel, you may play politics with this fiasco. However, it seems like The Helen of Troy! The Akellies Heel, if you like. Russians had the same problem & it was an absolute nightmare! Is this another chapter out of the Playbook?

  5. God bless DJT,all a plot to Disbar him from running in 2024.I t also seems the Dem`s are trying to set up Civil War and dress it up as Trump/Maga Supporter's,all the Fake News Media is already parroting oh Trump Supporters are angry,there will be Civil War.Ha Deep State we see you.

  6. The man who saved democracy in the United States was Mike Pence who stood up against the hoodlums there were out to hang him because he did what was right for the United States of America without Mike Pence there would be no democracy in United states right now he refused to be a yes man. If you don’t have those kind of people running democracy would always the targeted by power hungry individuals like Putin Donald Trump .In 1994 LizTruss called for abolition of a monarchy. Has anyone ever questioned her on that

  7. This is what happens when you have to pay to the EU, Lower taxes for the richest, Take down the existing energy sources you have, Nobody has invested in new ones, I mean GB doesn't even have so they can take care of their own garbage, Sounds immigration will continue to destroy the country, When the hell will the people revolt against politicians and the left-wing environmental movement.

  8. Sweden was today the largest electricity exporter in Europe, And this Friday we will AGAIN have Europe's and the world's most expensive electricity price ourselves, how sick everything is, I can imagine a civil war myself to get rid of the tyrants in Europe's countries!

  9. Sky News Australia host Andrew Bolt says America is now a "broken, third-world" country after the FBI raid on Donald Trump.

    “FBI agents have now raided Trump's home in Florida, Mar-a-Lago, apparently looking for classified documents he allegedly removed from his office when he lost the presidency a year and a half ago,” Mr Bolt said.

    “Faith in American democracy has got to be now near rock bottom – especially if you're a supporter of former US president Donald Trump.”



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