Faraday's Budget Tours | STARFIELD #33

First play through of STARFIELD.
Difficulty : Very Hard

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46 thoughts on “Faraday's Budget Tours | STARFIELD #33”

  1. I know I'm going to get a lot of comments about the space combat again, and I totally understand why, but I am going to just link to the video explaining the 'why' of it just in case you missed it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9u-Mdd2FAE

    And I do know that you turn faster if you keep the engine at the mid point of the throttle if you are not drifting, and I actually knew it from the very start of the game. It's not a lack of knowledge that is the problem. There were just too many things I was juggling at the entire time. You will see me occassionally adjust it when I'm less 'overloaded'. The video will explain the real problem, and the how I fixed it šŸ™‚

  2. Sarah says: Cover me! I'll draw them out!

    I have a theory on the inspiration for the story of the Clemens Comet. I bet everybody has heard of the American cult who planned to follow a comet and committed suicide. But Starfield added a twist in the story in memory of Samuel Clemens, AKA Mark Twain. He said he was born with the arrival of Halley's comet, and he would "go out with it," which he did. Died when it came back, that is. 77 year cycle, and that felt right to Clemens.

  3. Why aren't you looting the weapons??? All that lost cash! EM weapons are great for targeting subsystems – but you need to use targeting and select the system. For example, you could have taken the weapons out on one ship before tackling the other.

  4. Did you figure out yet that you have to slow down to half speed to be able to turn well? OR you can use thrusters to spin around to aim at the enemy rather than doing that hard G turn, dogfight thing. Not that it helped me much on Hard or very hard. Those ship fights are just brutal at that diff level until you get turrets.

  5. Why didn't they make companion's spacesuit/helmet directly reflect the PLAYER. It seems so weird to walk out in a spacesuit because you aren't sure what the environment is going to be, and Sarah's running around in a leather jacket straight out the airlock.

  6. Something tells me that the Tombstone would mod up to being a very satisfying weapon. But if it only has short bursts when you are using the scope, then that would get annoying.

  7. Not bothered by the piloting, Gopher. I already know YouTube is late to the game (literally). What I'm bothered by is the tourist questions. If I had to answer any of those, I would ask Sarah to shoot me in the foot. šŸ™

    Reason why I don't ask Barret or Sam? Barret would do it for fits and giggles and Sam doesn't want to do it in front of his kid.

  8. It's the joystick that's making space combat much more complicated than it should be. I tried it and it's way less effective vs a controller. Yes, the stick is more immersive, but the game wasn't optimized for it. Over/Under steer is compensated with a controller and not with a joystick.

  9. I always get a chuckle that in the middle of ground combat, the action can be paused and Gopher finds a new weapon from the 57 shotguns or the 39 pistols or 15 energy weapons or whatever he has in inventory and slots it in. I understand that it's a "feature" of most games like this, but it's as immersion breaking to me as being able to carry and equip so many weapons at the same time. I'd love to see a game limit your equipment load out to manybe 4 weapons – except for weapons needed to complete a quest or what you can pick up from kills – once combat starts.

  10. Take a shot every time Barrett says anything that involves the words "grav drive" in combat-your liver will be begging for mercy before the end of the video. Edit: all the companions seem to have a grav drive fixation, but Barrett just bellows about it constantly.

  11. On the derelict ship you completely missed the door leading into the other compartment with the safes.

    Id just recently found that ship myself and there is some pretty good loot to be found there.
    (it was the door to the opposite side of the ship from the cockpit)

  12. Boosting is the worst thing you can do in a space fight, the enemies can pivot on a dime to target you.
    The best strategy is to put all of your energy into weapons and shields, then set your engines to the middle speed and use thrusters to spin in place like a turret.
    If you try and dogfight in this game, especially vs multiple ships your going to lose way more then you win.

  13. The really annoying thing about the Scan Boosters isn't that they only really work at your base.
    It's that you still need to get close to scan things, all it really does is highlight stuff from further away.
    Twice the normal scanner range, while within range of the booster, which might as well be just the outpost circle. Apart from finding Landmarks or spotting enemies its useless.

  14. I don't know if you've figured this out yet being 30 episodes ahead, or if someone else has mentioned it, but…
    When using the Cutter, hold down right mouse button as well. The aim mechanic focuses the beam causing it to cut faster and do more damage, with the side effect that it drains the battery battery faster as well.
    Also when looting you should grab the guns, even if you plan to drop them later, because you get to keep their bullets.

  15. Its not mentioned in game afaik, but apparently Research Methods also reduces the asset cost of crafting.
    Also the cargo capacity skill also boosts Outpost storage bins.

  16. Screams You can access any ships cargo hold from the bridge! It should be the green panel visible at 29:05.
    Also there will always be a Captain's Locker somewhere on the bridge which also has loot, often more and better loot than the hold.

  17. I cant even imagine how sad you going to be when you capture your first ship… well, I was very sad šŸ™‚ I mean I understand why they did it like this, balancing economy and stuff, but still sad. It would be much better to give us few ways of spending a lot of money and capture and selling ships, instead of making it so we get like few k credits at best.
    As for EM weapons, I think you still need to shoot at correct parts, and wo targeting skill you basically need to keep behind the enemy and EM his engines. I never really used EM weapons, but when I tried them I had I think 3 guns, I just swapped all normal for EM, as I said – my plan was to just capture and sell ships. Plus I dont problems with controls… point is, EM is working.
    But again you already much further ahead in understanding the game and controlling the ship so basically what I wrote is useless šŸ™‚ Lets just consider is as a comment to bump you in YT stupid algorithms or something šŸ™‚


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