Fantasia-Smash hits anthology-Prime Chart-Toppers Lineup-Well-known

Fantasia-Smash hits anthology-Prime Chart-Toppers Lineup-Well-known

0:00:00 : Fa̼̼lli͛n̸̸g̸ ̶̶I̴̴n̳̳ ̲Lo̵v̲̲e̲̲ ͙͙T̵̵oni̵gh̴t̼̼
0:03:59 : F̴an͛t̲a̵s̴ia͙ ̴ ̳L͙͙o̷̷ok̳i̳n̼g̲̲ ̳For̸̸ Yo̵u
0:08:16 : The B̴l̳̳o͙͙o̸̸d̵ W̷̷i͙͙l̲l̲̲ ̷̷N̼e̼ve͛͛r̶̶ ̶Lo̸̸se ̳̳It̸̸s̼ ̵P̲̲ow̼̼e̼̼r
0:16:03 : W̲̲h̼at ̸̸C̸̸h̸̸r̶i̼stm̼as͛ Me̼̼ans ̼t̵o̳ M̳e
0:18:28 : F̶a̷̷n͛͛t͛as͙͙ia̷ Wh̼e̷̷n ͛͛I̼̼ M̶̶e̸t̷ ̼̼Y̷̷ou̳̳
0:23:34 : F͛an͙͙t͛a̲s̸̸ia̴̴ ̸ ̴W̷̷he̲n ̸I̸ ̶M̶̶e͙t̷ Y͛͛ou̷̷
0:28:40 : Fa̷n̶̶ta̶̶s̸̸i̲̲a̼̼ ̶ ̶̶Ta̴̴k̳e ̸O͛ff͙
0:32:21 : B̶u̷m̼̼p̵ ̸̸Wha̳t̸̸ Y̷ou͛͛r̷ F̶r̸̸i̸e̷̷n̷d̼s̲ ̴S͙ay̳
0:37:06 : Fa̷̷n̲ta̷si̼a̶̶ ͙ ̼̼W͙͙a̳̳i̴t ̶̶Fo̵̵r̵̵ Y͛o͙͙u̲
0:42:17 : F̶a̲n̼̼ta̴̴s̸ia͛ ̷At̷̷ T͙h͛e ̼T̸̸on͙y̴s̶ ̶ "I’̷̷m ͛H̵̵e̲r͛e"

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