Fantasia Slaying in These London Streets For The Color Purple Press Tour #fantasia #fashionpolice


37 thoughts on “Fantasia Slaying in These London Streets For The Color Purple Press Tour #fantasia #fashionpolice”

  1. 3:58– spot on. We black people don’t do this. All black groups who’ve come to the U.K. in the past 80-90 years, from the windrush generation to the Africans, took pride in Britishness and they weren’t even natives of the land. Interestingly, I find that even black Muslims are very different to the Asian Muslims because they only submit to the practical purpose of the Qu’ran, but not its doctrinal purpose. I believe that’s 1) why it’s easier for black Muslims to fraternise with other groups and religions and 2) aren’t as vulnerable to radicalisation as Asians are. The additional element is the racial friction existing between black people and Asians. It’s not spoken about enough. I believe there’s an ostracism of blacks that takes place in these settings. Radicalisation of black Muslims is situational; they’re more likely to be radicalised in predominantly Muslim African countries, but seldom is this the case if a black Muslim is a product of western culture/society or a predominantly Christian African nation. That’s why Michael Adebolajo’s case is idiosyncratic. Even in Palestine, there’s an area where Afro-Palestinians reside, I forgot what it’s called, but the name of the area translated in English means “slave”. A Jamaican tiktoker was talking about it and was bewildered about seeing black people being pro-Palestine. You already have religious bias and now you have race bias too? Pick a vice. What most people think is racist talk from Powell, actually may just be incredible foresight. Remember, people back then said it like it was.


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