Family trapped for several days after Maui fire

KDKA-TV’s Lauren Linder has more.


9 thoughts on “Family trapped for several days after Maui fire”

  1. This is one of the luckier stories. I live on Maui. Friends/ family have lost their homes, lives, hundreds of people still missing ! You have no idea over there on the mainland what is even happening over here. Took 3 days just to get supplies into Lahaina and West side as nobody was let in to help . Cousin walked 15 miles to get out! Wait until you hear the final toll count!

  2. How can there be only one way in and out of a town? The mayor and town planners should be brought to book. We always stress the importance in having an entrance and exit of any building, which should also apply to a town. Clearly the town was poorly designed. Can you imagine if it was a tsunami? The buildings were mostly board. Why board and not block and steel? This town was a death trap and planned to fail. My heart goes out to the mourning families. What about the town evacuation plan? The government of USA took too long to respond.

  3. At least you got to get on a plane and go home to your nice house, belongings, family and normal life. People on Lahaina died, people on the island lost everthing..everything! Homes, family, children, pets, businesses…..shall I go on? You had to spend a few nights in your car (at least you didnt burn to death in it), you had to cut your vacation short……boo effin hoo. It sucks to be you.


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