Fallout Reaction 1×6 – What in the cult & caviar did I just see??!!


12 thoughts on “Fallout Reaction 1×6 – What in the cult & caviar did I just see??!!”

  1. G'day Belle , hope your doing OK , my knee is playin up a bit , Bill got in a bit of a cerfufle with a other cat he's not too bad a few scratches on his forehead I git him his favourite tins of beef mince he'll heal . I remember many moons ago back last century there was a man who had a nose like the Goul he had some sort of face affliction I was about ten he was a bit scary , anyway Belle have a goodly week thank you

  2. For caviar, just go to a good sushi restaurant. The roe toping is technically caviar. The best caviar are from Russia but they are being sanctioned due to overfishing.

  3. "Let's do it, let's go to Bakersfield." What's funny is Bakersfield was recently rated as top 10 most dangerous cities (homicides & violent crime) and #1 for pollution. Might be more dangerous than the Wasteland 😂

  4. That poster in the background of Cooper's home, A Man and His Dog, if a nod to the 1975 post-apocalyptic wasteland travelling around looking for food and s@x along with his telepathic dog named Blood. I saw it in the theater when it came out, and it was truly weird! It has also been said that it was part of the inspiration for the first Fallout video game. I have searched the internet but cannot find out what breed the shaggy-haired dog was used. It starred Don Johnson (who later played Sonny Crockett on Miami Vice) as the main protagonist.

  5. The "President" Sorrel Booker, fat man, white suit and white bowtie.
    In "The Dukes of Hazzard", early 80's TV show. The corrupt man that runs Hazzard County, is Boss Hogg. Fat man, white suit and white bowtie. The actor that plays Boss Hogg, is Sorrell Booke.


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