Fallout Episode 1 'The End' Reaction!!

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28 thoughts on “Fallout Episode 1 'The End' Reaction!!”

  1. I've only seen the first episode so far but it's a strong start. I appreciate that they are completely embracing the world of the games and not just doing an "inspired by" adaptation.

  2. Think you might have been confusing super mutants being mutated by FEV with ghouls. Ghouls supposedly got "just enough" radiation to get horribly burned and mutated but not die, and you can get ghoulified by high intensity short duration or long term low intensity exposure. Vast majority of ghouls were ghoulified during the great war though.

    Also pretty sure The Ghoul was in Mexico? I would have sworn they said that but would have to rewatch.

  3. I've never played any of the games so I had no expectations going in. I've watched to first four episodes so far and absolutely love the series. It really is as good as people are saying.

  4. Hi guys!

    Disclamer – I have never played the games and have only passing knowledge of the setting, which means I am learning quite much from the video. Thanks for that. I think it seems working very well as an adaptation which treats the setting seriously.

    I've already seen the entire first season and I think it is very good as a tv show, cannot say much how it relates to the games, but I already can see your reaction videao will provide that knowledge.

    When it comes to the episode I think that the opening scene was breathtaking.

    Lucy. I like how matter of fact she is and so far it seems the people from this vault are in general quite similar. They are like from an idyllic vision of USA, so the extreme violence is both such a shocking and a comical scene.

    Maximus. The Brotherhood is like a small outpost from a 40k Space Marine chapter mixed with some medieval cosplay – as if someone with future military tech and a limited knowledge was trying to recreate a semi-religious, mystical organisation and it both works and kinda sucks.
    The interrogation scene was brilliant. Just the intimidation factor of a power armour moving behind your back makes it so hard to resist.

    BTW The sound of the moving Brotherhood power armour reminded me something similar from a part of this video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jcuYA714Jw

    The Ghoul. Interesting scene to introduce the character. There is a small "Justified" reunion because Walton Goggins and one of the actors from the scene were in that brilliant series.

    Take care!

  5. Loved this reaction. And appreciated all of the recognition of Fallout items, which I thought added to the experience of watching you guys.
    As to Mikey's preference for "saving" the power armor until later, I would agree if the only main character was Lucy. However, we have 3 (so far) "main" characters, and one of them is in the Brotherhood of Steel. Because of that, I feel that the early reveal of power armor was fine.

  6. My literal one criticism so far I’m on episode 4 is why they made 3 interconnected vaults which has never been a thing in lore. The entire point of the vaults is that they were isolated experiments so unless 31 – 33 are all the same experiment what gives?

  7. Waltons acting in just those first 8 seconds when the first bomb fell already made the premiere a 10/10. And it was such a geek out moment when Kyle McLachlan (Dune, HIMYM, etc.) showed up as the dad/overseer

  8. This was enjoyable to watch with your reactions and discussion. Someone give your brother some Adderall though. His enthusiasm is awesome, but a bit distracting with how much he interrupts the flow of the conversation.

  9. Thinking back to the pre-industrial revolution, most people didn't move around much so cousin stuff was probably pretty common; there's a surprising number of historical figures who married second cousins. That said, the Vault exchange makes sense – when you trim a family tree to a family bush there's less you can hide underneath it!

    43:00 the amount of fallout generated depends a lot on the altitude at which that the device was detonated. Explosions close to the ground kick up and irradiate a lot of dirt and ash whereas airbursts (like Hiroshima and Nagasaki) produce a lot less fallout and so aren't as radioactive over the long term.

  10. I am back and I must say the series is really great, worth it and well done! Some parts surprised me, entertaining stuff! The reactions will be so damn funny, looking forward to them! πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Š
    Not a huge Fallout nerd, but this is an amazing adaptation of the games.


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