Fallout 1: Real Theory Hours

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Used music from Fallout: Sonora by Nobody’s Nails Machine: https://nobodysnailmachine.bandcamp.com


44 thoughts on “Fallout 1: Real Theory Hours”

  1. Defining "RPG" as a game genre is like trying to codify what an "Action" game is.
    It entirely depends on what you aim to achieve. It is a very loose definition at best, and contradictory at worst.

    For instance, many rogue-likes are RPGs. Fallout is an RPG, but so is Mass Effect, Diablo, Baldur's Gate, and even Strife.
    There is not much in common in these except a progressive leveling system (Which also exists in like NewDoom and MachineGames Wolfenstein).
    But earlier RPGs didn't have a progressive leveling system either. So yeah…

  2. tiny brain fallout is about people
    small brain fallout is systems
    medium brain fallout is choices

    4th dimensional brain fallout is point and click

    rmb for verbs including look and use.. item on item. ask about. >> glow

  3. f2 is mechanically better and bigger

    but also it's borderlands with exploding toilets memes references fart unjokes ultimate excess
    i loved it in the 90s because i didn't recognize that EVERYTHING is a reference to some nursing home movie

    and on top of it they slapped number t2 on a glorified expansion pack on the same engine recycling all the same assets and having exactly the same gameplay. even terror from the deep redrew each and every sprite. baldur 1 v 2 are somewhat different. but no one can tell apart a screenshot from f1 and f2 without memorizing items and locations and people. and still it's almost impossible

  4. I'm here to repeat the sentiment that Fallout 1 is superior to Fallout 2 because it took its world more seriously. Fallout 2 felt like a satire of the first game. More of the same but the contrast cranked to 11.

  5. you say that a year after the fallout, BG1 came out. But I've heard that this is a huge project with innovations for its time. How did they manage, they have 2 teams working? I'm trying to understand for myself why one team makes a product of the same quality and after a while, having gathered to create another, the result turns out to be much worse(outer worlds), which is interesting.

  6. Wut ? Classic Fallout aint Perfect ? and my Smug High Tier Gamer RpG knowledge isnt based ? well dauym son Xcuse you
    grabs his hillbilly hat and moonshine
    I am leaving GOOD SIR ima go somewhere with REAL Proffesionals people with proper knowledge of rPgs an rpG elements
    logs into Loverlabs

  7. Always a treat to see old games from the late 90s. Pretty much game you hear a voice that sounds a lot familiar.
    Immediately notices Keith David and Tony Jay in this video.

  8. When I brought the water chip to the vault, the Overseer was the first time I heard of any hit about someone creating new mutants. I might have missed some hints that were there, but I don't think there was anything I could have reported to indicate that.
    Another kind of sequence break, I suppose.

  9. World construcion is better in F1, F2 got better quest desing, lore hard to say for me is tie becose Master and Enclave are very interesting. Final Battles for me Master and Loue are better then Frank Horigan becose Enclave are one big city of power armor opponents and if you want exterminate them all you have to little farm with specific build with bozar and extra live giver, in any other aspect is the same game becose Fallout 2 is modify Fallout 1. If someone love F1 same will Love F2 and the same if someone Love F2 he will love F1.

  10. I decided two weeks ago, inspired by the janky but really evocative types of games covered by Warlockracy, Mandalore Gaming, and SsethTzentach, that I was to learn making games and make a 90s style iso-rpg.
    Fallout was the first game I started playing to study how these games are actually designed and what makes them great from a game design perspective.

  11. Whatever fallout 1 was, had infinitely better story than the dogshit that was fallout 3. bethesda is highly incompetent at writing interesting stories. they make me fall asleep with their shitty story writing while playing their stale and outdated games.

  12. I was interested in getting into Fallout 3 back in the day and decided to start with the first game. That was a punch in the face, so I watched a speedrun instead. Then I decided to try again a few years later and I remembered the speedrun and completed the game within 3 hours with a bit of save scum. The second game got me invested and finished it on my own at around 20 hours. Then finally my OCD let me get into Fallout 3, lols.

  13. 24:55 did i make this up, (or is this something from the later games) but arent all ghouls essentially fev mutants? Like, exposure to fev in small atmospheric doses instead of a single massive quantitiy lead people to not become super mutants but instead just not die by radiation exposure and instead become ghoulified. I seriously dont remember where i heard that from so it might be completely headcannon but that kinda makes sense to me

  14. As someone that genuinely interested to try the game, is there any heads up? I beat Morrowind but not sure if that's a good indication of my patience to learn this game mechanic.


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