Fake animal rescue videos are a money-making scam, say campaigners

Rescue videos receive millions of views online but they are often staged and cause serious psychological and physical harm to the animals.

READ MORE : https://www.euronews.com/2023/08/06/fake-animal-rescue-videos-are-a-money-making-scam-say-campaigners

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18 thoughts on “Fake animal rescue videos are a money-making scam, say campaigners”

  1. Yes I've always thought so…i hate to think what those poor animal's go through to look so emanciated and sick..if i ever catch one of those dirt bags that post this cruel 💩..well ill post the video on HEAVY R!!.☠️☠️❤️🇺🇲

  2. Thank you for addressing this issue. I think the people doing this are the lowest form of scum. I hope people heed your advice and don't click or share these videos. If we remove the financial incentives, then they won't torture these poor animals for "clicks" and likes. If you truly care about animals please resist making them rich and motivating them to torture more helpless animals.

  3. Thank you so very much .YouTube really should block as it encourages cruelty .In all my life this new practice is the lowest of the low..Use of dogs , clearly starved is common .As a photographer one becomes alert to animals yet in all my years in Europe I witnessed a goose full of oil called rescue and waited until they collected./a pigeon which was hit by a bus .took to avian vet and sorted .Have seen claw deformities in birds but monitor these for the vet .Note ) some even use two , maybe more platforms and have different handles .Many "conveniently carry a Burger which they feed to some deliberately emaciated animal " If one loves animals one gives from own pocket

  4. I wish they posted the names of some of these accounts so we can report them.

    Also, they should have mentioned that not all the fake ones are rescuing cute animals from snakes, etc. There are some accounts that are staged and fake without using dangerous animals. There is one account I saw videos where he only seems to rescue cute puppies, but none of the puppies are ever scared or timid of him, even though he seems to rescue them at the right moment.

  5. This is nothing new. Scams have been around long before "social media" long before. From heart wrenching scenes of starving children on the original tube to plees in the mailbox to save the cats!!!!! Any person with half s brain can smell them from the proverbial mile away!!! There is much more that i would care to say but the slightest slip and i will be pounced upon and abused by the "community"!!!!!!!!! Just sayin'

  6. I love you for covering this! But I don't know if I agree with "don't even click on it", how are you supposed to know it's fake if you don't watch it and don't look into the channel's history? There are also legitimate animal rescue channels, it's equally important not to hurt them.


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