Faded VillAIn – Rise of the Dragon Slayers

Heavy Metal


In the realm of chaos we stand
Rebels with fire in our hands
Gods of thunder, gods of death
We’ll bring their empires to their final breath

Blood-soaked blades and burning skies
We’ll unleash the fury of the dragon’s cries
Slaying gods with flames of rebellion
Our vengeance a vicious, relentless hymn

Chaos reigns in the dark of night
As we wage war against the divine light
The blood of gods stains our fearless swords
In the realm of chaos, we are the lords

With hearts ablaze and souls unchained
We’ll bring about a world deranged
A symphony of destruction and wrath
In this rebellion, we’ll carve our path

So raise your swords, join the fight
Against the gods who rule with might
In the shadows of eternal war
Our rebellion burns forevermore


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